
C 语言吧·问题资料大全(2007-02-12 10:05:00)

摘要:C 语言吧·问题资料大全
◆C/C++ 编译器评测及下载:http://post.baidu.com/f?kz=13392270 ★★★Turbo C 2.0 设置详细●图解●,
◆tc2.0下载地址: http://www.programfan.com/down/turboc2.zip
◆Turbo C 2.0 函数大全: http://post.baidu.com/f?kz=3085788
◆C 程序设计读书笔记:http://post.baidu.com/f?kz=4737905
◆谭C程序设计(第二版)下载:http://post.baidu.com/f?kz=14275061 ◆搜索答案与提问的秘诀:http://post.baidu.com/f?kz=6602487
◆C 语言学习看什么书:http://post.baidu.com/f?kz=5728013

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如何用正确的方法写出高质量软件(2007-02-12 10:00:00)

  1. 你们的项目组使用源代码管理工具了么?
MVM:应该用。VSS、CVS、PVCS、ClearCase、CCC/Harvest、FireFly都可以。我的选择是VSS。 2. 你们的项目组使用缺陷管理系统了么?
MVM:应该用。ClearQuest太复杂,我的推荐是BugZilla。 3. 你们的测试组还在用Word写测试用例么?
MVM:不要用Word写测试用例(Test Case)。应该用一个专门的系统,可以是Test Manager,也可以是自己开发一个ASP.NET的小网站。主要目的是Track和Browse。 4. 你们的项目组有没有建立一个门户网站?
MVM:要有一个门户网站,用来放Contact Info、Baselined Schedule、News等等。推荐Sharepoint Portal Server 2003来实现,15分钟就搞定。买不起SPS 2003可以用WSS (Windows Sharepoint Service)。 5. 你们的项目组用了你能买到最好的工具么?
MVM:应该用尽量好的工具来工作。比如,应该用VS.NET而不是Notepad来写C#。用Notepad写程序多半只是一种炫耀。但也要考虑到经费,所以说是“你能买到最好的”。 6. 你们的程序员工作在安静的环境里么?
MVM:需要安静环境。这点极端重要,而且要保证每个人的空间大于一定面积。 7. 你们的员工每个人都有一部电话么?
MVM:需要每人一部电话。而且电话最好是带留言功能的。当然,上这么一套带留言电话系统开销不小。不过至少每人一部电话要有,千万别搞得经常有人站起来喊:“某某某电话”。《人件》里面就强烈谴责这种做法。 8. 你们每个人都知道出了问题应该找谁么?
MVM:应该知道。任何一个Feature至少都应该有一个Owner,当然,Owner可以继续Dispatch给其他人。 9. 你遇到过有人说“我以为…”么?
MVM:要消灭“我以为”。Never assume anything。 10. 你们的项目组中所有的人都坐在一起么?
MVM:需要。我反对Virtual Team,也反对Dev在美国、Test在中国这......

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500强高管:中国员工有哪些不足?(2007-02-12 09:59:00)

  500强高管:中国员工有哪些不足?   中国员工有哪些不足?学历、经历、专业、能力,在世界500强高管心目中占多大的分量?长期研究青年就业问题的上海交通大学学者熊丙奇,在日前出版的《天下无墙》中,与近30位世界500强企业高级管理人员进行了对话。看到潜在的危险埃森哲合伙人兼中国区总裁李纲认为,中国员工的不足之处主要表现在两方面,一是自信心不足,二是缺乏承受挫折的能力。这种状态对员工在跨国公司的成长很不利。在一个项目中,如果一个与你级别差不多的同事喜欢发表自己的意见,表现得比较有见识,那么他就会得到更多的关注。另外,我们很多年轻的国内同事独立能力、承受挫折的能力比较弱,一帆风顺时表现得很好,一碰到不顺心的事情,往往会弄得一团糟。


  IBM大中华地区大学合作部总经理邱晓萍表示:“我们对应聘者的专业背景并不严格要求。”IBM招聘人才的第一关是笔试,主要测试学生的综合素质,笔试题中没有任何关于计算机知识的内容。二是IBM看重应聘者的潜能,是不是一块可造之材。在IBM中,有很多例子反映,非IT专业出身的应聘者最终却在 IT技术岗位上做得十分出色。在IBM中,只要你有兴趣和潜力,公司就会给你机会。在笔试之后的各轮面试中,和今后的培训和工作中,IBM会发现你的兴趣和潜力。







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微软Vista全球上市(2007-02-12 09:38:00)

摘要:微软Vista全球上市        Vista研发5年耗资60亿美元   个人版视窗Vista将在70个国家和地区当地时间1月30日凌晨开始向普通消费者发售,微软将为这一历时5年、耗资60亿美元开发的系统举行庞大的推广活动。 在29日的仪式上,微软办公软件Office2007个人版也同步发行。   盖茨:Vista将成“数字化生活”的核心   微软公司董事长比尔·盖茨在仪式上发表讲话,强调视窗Vista的娱乐功能,并将其与12年前发行的视窗95软件进行了对比。他说,视窗95具有图形化界面、为互联网发展奠定基础,对那个时代起到了关键作用,而视窗Vista将对当今时代起到关键作用。盖茨说,数码照片、音乐和游戏等已经成为常见事物,视窗软件是使得“数字化生活方式”得以成功发展的核心,现在这一核心是视窗Vista。他说,视窗Vista更简单易用、更安全、互联性和娱乐性更高。   Vista中国同步上市销售   微软公司首席执行官史蒂夫·鲍尔默说,视窗Vista将在70个国家和地区的约3.9万个零售点发售,这是迄今最大的软件发行活动。此前他曾预期,在发售之后的头几个月里,视窗Vista的销量将达到当年视窗95同一阶段销量的5倍。北京时间30日,微软(中国)有限公司也在北京举行发布会,微软推出的WindowsVista操作系统个人版开始在中国上市销售,微软办公软件Office2007个人版也同步发行。......

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世界汽车标志(2007-02-12 09:29:00)




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Drowning(2007-02-03 17:03:00)

摘要: Drowning 歌手:Backstreet Boys     专辑:Chapter 1 Don't pretend you're sorry
I know you're not
You know you got the power
To make me weak inside
Girl you leave me breathless
But it's okay 'cause
You are my survival
Now hear me say
I can't imagine life
Without your love
Even forever don't seem
Like long enough

'Cause everytime I breathe
I take you in
And my heart beats again
Baby I can't help it
You keep me
Drowning in your love
Everytime I try to rise above
I'm swept away by love
Baby I can't help it
You keep me
Drowning in your love

Maybe I'm a drifter
Late at night
'Cause I long for the safety
Of flowing freely
In your arms
I don't need another lover
It's not for me
'Cause only you can save me
Oh can't you see
I can't imagine life
Without your love
And even forever don't seem
Like long enough

'Cause everytime I breat......

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As long as you love me (2007-02-03 17:02:00)

摘要:As long as you love me Although loneliness h aays been a friend of mine

I´m leaving my life in your hds

People say I´m crazy d that I am blind

Risking it all in a glce

How you got me blind is still a mysty

I c´t get you out of my head

Don´t care what is written in your history

As long you&acute he with me

I don´t care who you are

Whe you&acute from

What you did

As long you love me

Who you are

Whe you&acute from

Don´t care what you did

As long you love me
Evy little thing that you have said d done

Feels like it´s deep within me

Doesn´t really matt if you&acute on the run

It seems like we&acute met to be

I´ve tried to hide it so that no one knows

But I guess it shows

When you look into my eyes

What you did d whe you&acute ......

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Incomplete (2007-02-03 17:00:00)

摘要:Incomplete - backstreet boys
empty spaces fill me up with holes
distant faces with no place left to go
without you within me i can't find no rest
where i'm going is anybody's guess

i've tried to go on like i never knew you
i'm awake but my world is half asleep
i pray for this heart to be unbroken
but without you all i'm going to be is incomplete
voices tell me i should carry on
but i am swimming in an ocean all alone
baby, my baby
it's written on your face
you still wonder if we made a big mistake
i've tried to go on like i never knew you
i'm awake but my world is half asleep
i pray for this heart to be unbroken
but without you all i'm going to be is incomplete
i don't mean to drag it on, but i can't seem to let you go
i don't wanna make you face this world alone
i wanna let you go (alone)

i've tried to go on like i never knew you
i'm awake but my world is half asleep
i pray for this heart to be unbro......

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Backstreet Boys -- The One (2007-02-03 16:59:00)

摘要: Backstreet Boys -- The One

I' be the one...
I guess you were lost when I met you
Still there were tears in your eyes
So out of trust and I knew
No more than mysteries and lies

There you were,wild and free
Reachin' out like you needed me
A helping hand to make it right
I am hoding you all through the night

I'll be the one
Who will make all your sorrows undone
I'll be the light
When you feel like there's nowhere to run
I'll be the one...

To hold you and make sure that you'll be all right
'Cause my faith is gone
And I want to take you from darkness to light

You need me like I need you
We can share our dreams comin' true
I can show you what true love means
Just take my hand ,baby please

I'll be the one
I'll be the night
Where you can run
To make it all right

I'll be the one


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Jennifer Lopez - The One(2007-02-03 16:57:00)

摘要:Jennifer Lopez - The One

Takin' away the fact that I care about you, it's just your way
So sweet, everything seems right around you
Did you know that you had this common way about you
When you touch
And I wanna know if I could be your girl
The one put her arms around you
The one who lays her head beside you (Your girl)
The one who listens when you need it
When no one else is, I could see it (Your girl)
The one who knows when it's under control
The one who know your favorite song (Your girl)
The one you when you're feelin' lost
The one you place no one above

I'm happy to say in a lot of ways you've changed me
Makes me smile when you said you were glad
The day you found me
I'm wishin' away any hope I might ever find you
Heaven knows
I really feel I'll always be your girl
The one put her arms around you
The one who lays her head beside you (Your girl)
The one who listens when you need it
When no one else is, I co......

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