<ILK译>各界人士对科比81分的评论. "How many minutes did he play, 42? If he had an overtime game, maybe (100 would be possible)," New Jersey guard Jason Kidd said 基德问:“他打了多少分钟,42?如果有加时赛,100分也有可能。”
"Wow. That's all I can say," Kidd's teammate, Vince Carter, said. 、 “哇。我能说的这一句了。”卡特
Detroit's Chauncey Billups said: "If you have it going, you're supposed to keep it going. ... Unbelievable." 比卢普斯
"Everybody was calling," said Miami guard Dwyane Wade, who got updates by cell phone while dining at a restaurant. "Everybody called every player in the league." 韦德说他当时在餐馆吃饭,每个人都打电话告诉他,不断帮他更新比分。
"Anybody who's got the kind of energy to try to hoist up (nearly) 70 shots is going to score a lot of points," Riley told reporters in Miami, referring to Bryant's 66 field-goal and free-throw attempts. "It's remarkable, the execution and the efficiency, but we've got a lot of guys in this league, if they took 70 shots, they'd score a lot of points." 热队的莱利教练颇有点不以为然,他说联盟中有很多人,只要给他们70次投篮机会(包括罚球,科比昨天是66次),他们也会得很多分的。
"I think with the 81 now, no other team or other players will let that happen," he told reporters. "Now guys will foul out trying to stop him from doing that. If someone gets 81 on me, I'm going to clothesline him." "He told us to get him 50 shots," Walker said, suggesting that O'Neal was fully aware of Bryant's display. 热队大前锋沃克看来跟教练保持同样立场。他预言现在科比得到了81分,那么再也不会有人有其他球队让这种事情发生了,他说人们肯定会不惜犯满毕业的代价也要阻止这种事情再次发生。如果有人在他面前拿下81分,他going to clothesline him。咱们拭目以等吧,看大话王的笑话。 沃克还说,沙克告诉他们,让他有机会投50次,暗示沙克体会到科比的示意
O'Neal declined comment. 沙克本人拒绝评论
When asked about Kobe's performance AI had this to say "It was an amazing night for Kobe. Just unreal. Like watching a video game. He's the best player in the game.". Asked if he will try to top the performance #3 wasnt so humble "We play Toronto in March. I'm going to go for 100." -Philadelphia Daily News
AI说:“这一晚对科比来说他美妙了。简直不像真是的事情。就像看一场电脑游戏。他是最好的球员。” “我们会在三月对猛龙,我会去尝试得到100分~”
"You hate to be on the negative side of history, but you've got to give credit where credit is due," Toronto's Jalen Rose said. "It's going to be talked about, viewed, analyzed, overanalyzed for a long time. Unfortunately, we're going to be on the wrong side of the analysis." 猛龙锋卫人罗斯则感到郁闷,他说作为这个历史一刻的对立面,会跟科比在很长一段时间被拿来评论,分析。
Said Bird, Celtics legend turned Pacers president: "That's wild, that is really wild. It would be hard to believe if you didn't know it was true." 伯德说,疯狂,真的太疯狂了。如果不是亲眼所见,你很难相信这是真的。
Coach Rick Carlisle, whose Indiana team got torched by Bryant not so long ago, said, "I don't feel so bad about the 45 he got on us now." 步行者主帅卡莱尔说,现在他对于上次科比在他们队头上砍下45分不感到那么郁闷了
And coach Mike Montgomery's Golden State team, which is next in Bryant's crosshairs Friday: "I wish we had King Kong (to guard him). Anything we can do, we'll do." 几天后就要面对科比的勇士主帅说,他希望到时能让金刚来防守科比,任何他们能想到的,都会用上。
"It was quite an exhibition," Winter said. "It's what the fans love. I don't think you can win a championship playing that way and so, consequently, I would be concerned about that. But it was a great victory and I don't want to take anything away from Kobe because it was one of the greatest I've ever seen, and I've seen a lot of exhibitions." 三角进攻教父WINTER认为这是一场伟大的表演,他一生阅赛无数,这是他见过的最伟大的比赛之一。
"He's going to get 100-plus any day now," Bill Walton said, adding, "particularly if they keep playing Toronto." "Forget the level of skill to get to that point, the level of physical fitness to keep going like that, to be in such a zone, is just unreal," the Hall of Fame center and NBA analyst said from his home in San Diego. "It was like a game down at the rec center during the summer. That's what he turned it into. And he made everybody else look like a junior high school player." 传奇人物比尔沃尔顿说,科比在未来某一天将会砍下100+,特别是以后再次打猛龙的时候。
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