最流行的分级系统之一是 RSACi (Recreational Software Advisory Council on the Internet) 。RSACi 使用四种类型:violence(暴力)、nudity(裸体)、 sex(性)以及language(不雅言论)。数字从 0 到 4分别分配给了这四种类型。0 表示页面不包含任何攻击性的内容,4 表示潜在攻击性内容的最高级别。
级别 | 暴力分级 | 裸体分级 | 性分级 | 言论分级 |
0 | None of the below or sports related | None of the below | None of the below or innocent kissing; romance | None of the below |
1 | Injury to human being | Revealing attire | Passionate kissing | Mild expletives |
2 | Destruction of realistic objects | Partial nudity | Clothed sexual touching | Moderate expletives or profanity |
3 | Aggressive violence or death to humans | Frontal nudity | Non-explicit sexual acts | Strong language or hate speech |
4 | Rape or wanton, gratuitous violence | Frontal nudity (qualifying as provocative display) | Explicit sexual acts or sex crimes | Crude, vulgar language or extreme hate speech |