vb2005数据库编程起步源代码下载(2006-12-23 20:04:00)
Topic: Visual Basic
Beginning Visual Basic 2005 Databases
by Thearon Willis
ISBN: 978-0-7645-8894-5
November 2005
768 pages
If you are an instructor, request an evaluation copy of this title.
Print Version: US $39.99
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逐步精通vb2005数据库编程源代码下载地址(2006-12-23 20:02:00)
Topic: Visual Basic
Expert One-on-One Visual Basic 2005 Database Programming
by Roger Jennings
ISBN: 978-0-7645-7678-2
December 2005
624 pages
If you are an instructor, request an evaluation copy of this title.
Print Version: US $39.99
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Code Files - Part 1
To access the code, download both parts of the archive into the same directory, and run the installer (57678X_code.part1.exe).
9.44 MB
Code Files - Part 2
To access the code, download both parts of the archive into the same directory, and run the installer (57678X_code.part1.exe).
Visual Studio2005专业编程的源代码下载地址(2006-12-23 20:00:00)
Topic: Visual Basic
Professional Visual Studio 2005
by Andrew Parsons, Nick Randolph
ISBN: 978-0-7645-9846-3
August 2006
912 pages
If you are an instructor, request an evaluation copy of this title.
Print Version: US $49.99
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Download the Code
The code examples for this title are stored in a ZIP archive. To open it, you will need a computer with software capable of opening ZIP files. If you do not already have this capability, you can download a free trial of WinZip.
1.28 MB
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VB2005如何实现Access数据库的数据访问层2(2006-12-02 18:20:00)
摘要:Click the link above to download Visual Basic source code in a Visual Studio 2005 solution which demonstrates how to use Visual Studio to create a basic component for a data access layer (DAL) for Microsoft Access databases.
Get Dot Net Code is a web site full of free and pay for use Visual Basic source code for Visual Basic programmers.
Data Access Layer For Microsoft Access Databases
Part 2
Source Code: DalForMSAccessPart2.zip
This is the second part of a tutorial article which demonstrates how to create a data access layer (DAL) with .NET 2.0, ADO.NET 2.0, Visual Studio 2005, and Visual Basic 2005.
A basic data access layer component (DAL) for Microsoft Access databases was created in part one.
In part two the DAL component will be extended and then used for the first time by a Windows Forms application.
Before the article discusses how to extended the DAL component it will first discuss the DataSets created in part one of the article.
VB2005如何实现Access数据库的数据访问层1(2006-12-02 18:18:00)
摘要:Part 1
Source Code: DalForMSAccessPart1.zip
This multi installment article will provide instructions and source code you can use to create a data access layer (DAL) for Microsoft Access databases. Along the way the article will explain when a DAL may be appropriate and some of the roles ADO.NET and Visual Studio data technologies can play in a DAL.
This first installment provides instructions and a downloadable example that can be used to create a basic class library (DLL) that will be extended in future installments to become a data access layer for Microsoft Access databases.
Instructions for Creating a Class Library for a Data Access Layer
A. Create a new Visual Basic Visual Studio 2005 Windows Forms solution.
B. Add a Visual Studio 2005 Class project to the Visual Studio solution.
1. From the File menu select Add -> New Project...
2. The 'Add New Project' window will open.
3. In the 'Project types:' section of the window select "V......
用VB.NET实现一次运行一个应用程序实例(2006-11-11 19:59:00)
作者: Builder.com.cn
2006-11-10 01:40 PM
您应该将这个例子作为应用程序Main(主)程序的一部分。如果您确定这个应用程序还有其他的实例在运行,您可以决定采取相应的行动;在大多数情况下,提醒用户应用程序已经在运行就足够了。如果没有应用程序的其他实例在运行,您就可以继续进行必要的应用程序逻辑了。(文/Irina Medvinskaya,builder.com.com)......
在VB2005中上传文件到sql2005数据库(2006-11-11 11:35:00)
摘要:Source File: Upload File to Server using ADO.Net SqlCommand
This source code demonstrates how to use an ASP.NET web page to upload a binary large object (BLOB) and insert it, using a stored procedure, into a SQL Server table text type column.
Client-side a file is selected and submitted via an ASP.NET web page.
Server-side, the web page processes the request by building an ADO.NET SqlCommand object that passes the file data to the SQL Server table via a stored procedure.
In the attached source code, a SQL Server database is included as a MDF file in the web site's App_Data folder. In it are two database objects:
1. A table named "FileImage"
2. A stored procedure named "spUploadFile"
Protected Sub uploadButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles uploadButton.Click
' Declare a variable named filePath of type String.
在VB2005中根据内容改变datagridview单元格颜色(2006-11-11 11:32:00)
摘要:This blog, and the source code it provides, demonstrate how to handle the Windows Forms DataGridView CellFormatting event to set the BackColor of a cell based on the cell's value.
The example application in the source code provides users a way to mark inactive customers and/or customers who have not placed an order in the last 30 days.
The CellFormatting event occurs when the contents of a cell in a Windows Forms DataGridView control needs to be formatted for display.
To set the BackColor of a cells based on their values, create a CellFormatting event handler. Within the handler add code to set the BackColor of individual cells based on their value.
Code Example
1 Private Sub customerDataGridView_CellFormatting(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DataGridViewCellFormattingEventArgs) Handles customerDataGridView.CellFormatting
3 ' If the column being formatted is......
VB.NET中实现不同窗体间控件的访问(2006-11-11 11:26:00)
摘要:Multiple Forms in VB.NET. Part 1
Article source code: multipleforms.zip
Authors' Note February 2006:
This article was written in June 2003 and was aimed at users of the VB.NET 2002 and 2003 editions who were upgrading from VB6. Now that VB2005 has arrived, much of the content has been overtaken by improvements in that new edition and won't be applicable if this is the version you are using.
One of the first hurdles you're going to come up against when you move from Classic VB to VB.NET is getting to grips with the new ways of dealing with forms.
Your approach to forms in VB.NET is fundamentally different and hinges on the fact that the Framework implements forms as classes, so now you need an object variable to instantiate it. This article is aimed at helping you through some of those basic steps.
Instead of loadi......
在VB.NET中使用MS Access数据库的存储过程(2006-11-11 11:21:00)
摘要:Working with MS Access Stored Procedures in VB.NET. Part 1
Article source code: msaccess_sp.zip
In the more recent releases of Microsoft Access, great effort has gone into making this product a full-featured relational database system. Stored procedures, a functionality usually associated with enterprise database systems such as SQL Server, can now be found in Access. Stored procedures in Access have been available since Access 2000 and are native to the Jet 4 Database Engine. If you're accustomed to using stored procedures in SQL Server, then you'll be right at home with how they're used in Access. However there are some limitations to keep in mind. I'll discuss those later on.
This article will be broken down into two parts. Part one will describe in detail how to create stored procedures in Access using ADO.NET and Visual Basic.NET. Part two will demonstrate how to utilize the stored procedures created in part one by assembling a data access tier that can be model......