
SQL数据库数据处理类应用举例(2012-05-02 20:54:00)

摘要: SQL Data Provider VB.NET Class By , published on 25 Feb 2006 | Filed in 0 Comments .NET ADO.NET SQL VB.NET SQL Server Page 2 of 3 Example Usage SQLDataProvider Class Documentation This class provides a fast and universal method for accessing SQL Server database. Create Instance At first you create an instance of SqlDatabase class. Dim sqldb As New SqlDatabase("Data Source=(local); Initial Catalog= ; UId = ; Pwd = ;") For more information about connection strings, visit ConnectionStrings.com. ExecuteNonQuery Method Executes a Transact-SQL statement against the connection and returns the number of rows affected. Dim params(0 To 1) As SqlParameter
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VB.NET用于SQL数据库处理的类(2012-05-02 20:53:00)

摘要: SQL Data Provider VB.NET Class By , published on 25 Feb 2006 | Filed in 0 Comments .NET ADO.NET SQL VB.NET SQL Server 4 Page 1 of 3 The Class This class is for simplifying and accelerating working with SQL, using this class is very simple; there is a sample below for this class, which I hope is useful. You can report bugs, opinions and suggestions to me. Imports System Imports System.IO Imports System.Text Imports System.Data Imports System.Data.SqlClient Namespace SqlDataProvider ''' <summary> ''' This class provides a fast and universal method for accessing SQL Server database.This class cannot be inherited. ''' </summary> Public NotInheritable Class SqlDatabase #Region " Local Property Declarations " ......

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如何让编写的软件适应win 7之类的系统换代(2012-05-02 20:14:00)

摘要: 当新的操作系统应用时,苦逼的程序员首先想到的,可能是自己的软件能否兼容新系统。如果不想花时间修改软件,那么最好花时间来改善软件。 Enhancing your applications for Windows 7 18 Nov 2009 | by Kevin Griffin | Filed in 0 Comments PDF .NET C# Windows 7 VB.NET 2Tweet As developers, we often shriek a little whenever a new operating system is released. Our most common question is “will my application run?” Enhancements in compatibility have made this question a mute point. Now that we don’t have to spend as much time fixing our applications, we can concentrate on improving them. As .NET developers, we have often been left behind on major operating system integrations, unless we were willing to dive into unmanaged code. Windows 7 brings new salvation for .NET developers, and it comes in the form of the Windows 7 API Code Pack for......

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清空垃圾箱的代码(2012-05-02 20:05:00)

摘要: http://www.developerfusion.com/code/5673/how-to-empty-a-recycle-bin/ 貌似能够清空回收站,清空时不会提示用户确认,而且没有提示音和进度条。 Usage: 
Dim Action As New ShellActions 

Public Class ShellActions 

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如要试用佳佳计算器,请联系我(2008-09-05 20:25:00)

摘要:QQ:3459028 请注明试用软件/......

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本人编写的可完成表达式计算的“佳佳科学计算器”,欢迎试用。(2008-09-03 15:50:00)

摘要:本人在工作之余,试着编写了“佳佳科学计算器”,特点是可进行表达式计算,欢迎大家试用。 该计算器有以下功能: 1、支持任意长度表达式计算,字符串表达式可以包含任意的指定函数。 2、支持科学计数法 3、可进行统计运算。  ......

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vb矩阵换算(2008-08-27 21:33:00)

摘要: Explained with Mathematical EquationsBy Saad Khakwani

Development of a Matrix class, including basic arithmetic functions and various determinant methods explained with the help of mathematical equations VB, Windows, .NET, Visual Studio, Dev

Posted: 14 May 2007
Updated: 16 May 2007
Views: 17,919
Bookmarked: 29 times
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Operator Overloading: A demonstration us(2008-08-27 21:32:00)

摘要: Operator Overloading: A demonstration using matrices (Matt Gertz) Published 07 May 07 10:51 AM Over a decade ago, before I joined Microsoft, I was a doctoral candidate at Carnegie Mellon studying robotics.  One of the things that you had to do to get into the doctoral program was pass a qualifier test (“the qual”), which was a three-hour oral examination at the conclusion of the Master’s program.  My qual was, without a doubt, the most grueling experience I’d ever gone through – rougher than my actual dissertation several years later, and certainly rougher than a Microsoft interview.  (“You just want me to write a program to shuffle a deck of cards?  I think I can manage that…”)  For the “qual,” it was common knowledge that you’d be expected to memorize and write out on command just about every formula known to mankind about the physics of robotics.  To prepare, I wrote down 78 equations that I thought would be fair game during the exam, and I spent on......

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解二次方程c#(2008-08-27 21:01:00)


Quadratic equation Determine real and complex roots of a quadratic equation ax^2 + bx + c = 0 and check results function openSmallWindow(url) { window.open(url,"smallWindow","width=600,height=290,resizable=yes"); return false; } // Submitted By: horace Actions:
Rating: 0 1 2 3 4 5 Views: 3,179 Language: C++ Last Modified: December 15, 2006 Instructions: enter a, b and c
roots are evaluated and printed together with a test which uses the roots to evaluate
ax^2 + bx + c
which should be 0 Snippet
//  Determine real and complex roots of a quadratic equation and check results //   ax^2 + bx + c = 0   #include <iostream> #include <math.h> #include <complex> using namespace std;   int main(void) {     float a, b, c, x1, x2, root;     complex<float> z; &n......

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多次方程根的求解(2008-08-27 20:39:00)

摘要: Solving Polynomial Equations with Complex Roots using Genetic Algorithms in VB.Net
By  Mike Gold November 20, 2006
This article features a program in which the user can enter a polynomial equation and it will use GAs to determine the complex roots. Author Rank: Technologies: .NET Compact Framework, .NET 1.0/1.1,Visual Basic .NET Total downloads : 113 Total page views :  6825 Rating :  0/5 This article has been rated :  0 times   Add to Technorati    Digg This    Add to del.icio.us        
Download Files GARootSolver.zip Sponsored by var pubId=11255; var siteId=11256; var kadId=7780; var kadwidth=336; var kadheight=280; var kadtype=1;

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