Source File: Upload File to Server using ADO.Net SqlCommand
This source code demonstrates how to use an ASP.NET web page to upload a binary large object (BLOB) and insert it, using a stored procedure, into a SQL Server table text type column.
Client-side a file is selected and submitted via an ASP.NET web page.
Server-side, the web page processes the request by building an ADO.NET SqlCommand object that passes the file data to the SQL Server table via a stored procedure.
In the attached source code, a SQL Server database is included as a MDF file in the web site's App_Data folder. In it are two database objects:
1. A table named "FileImage"
2. A stored procedure named "spUploadFile"
Protected Sub uploadButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles uploadButton.Click
' Declare a variable named filePath of type String.
Dim filePath As String
' Assign the pages FileInput control's value to the filePath variable.
filePath = Me.FileInput.Value
' Use the File class' Exits method to verify the path exists on the client's computer.
If Not File.Exists(filePath) Then
' If the path is not valid, message user and exit this Sub
Me.statusLabel.Text = "File path is invalid. Please try again."
End If
' Declare a variable named fileType of type String.
Dim fileType As String
' Call the Path class' GetExtention method assigning
' the result to the fileType variable.
fileType = Path.GetExtension(filePath)
' Declare a variable named fileName of type String.
Dim fileName As String
' Call the Path class' WithoutExtension method assigning
' the result to the fileName variable.
fileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filePath)
' Declare a variable named fileLength of type Integer.
Dim fileLength As Integer
' Assign the value of the FileInput object's ContentLength property
' to the fileLength variable.
fileLength = Me.FileInput.PostedFile.ContentLength
' Declare a variable named fileStream of type Stream.
Dim fileStream As Stream
' Declare a variable of type byte array.
Dim buffer(fileLength) As Byte
' Assign the FileInput object's input stream
' to the fileStream variable.
fileStream = Me.FileInput.PostedFile.InputStream
' Call the fileStream object's read method.
fileStream.Read(buffer, 0, fileLength)
' Declare a variable named theConnection of type SqlConnection.
Dim theConnection As SqlConnection
' Call the SqlConnection class' New constructor passing in
' a connection string from the web.config file.
' Assign the resulting SqlConnection object to theConnection variable.
theConnection = New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("FilesConnectionString").ConnectionString)
' Use Try..Catch..Finally to handle exceptions.
' NOTE: Exception handling underdone to keep example simple.
' Declare a variable named uploadSqlCommand of type SqlCommand.
Dim uploadSqlCommand As SqlCommand
' Call the SqlCommand class' New constructor passing in
' the name of a stored procedure in the database and theConnection.
' Assign the resulting SqlCommand object to the uploadSqlCommand variable.
uploadSqlCommand = New SqlCommand("spUploadFile", theConnection)
' Set the SqlCommand object's CommandType property to StoredProcedure.
uploadSqlCommand.CommandType = Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure
' /// Add four parameters to the SqlCommand object's Parameters collection,
' Add a parameter to pass in the file name.
uploadSqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@FileName", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50)
' Add a parameter to pass in the file bytes.
uploadSqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@FileImage", SqlDbType.Image)
' Add a parameter to pass in the file type.
uploadSqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@FileType", SqlDbType.VarChar, 5)
' Add a parameter to pass in the time the file is uploaded.
uploadSqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@TimeUploaded", SqlDbType.DateTime)
' Assign data to each fo the four parameters.
uploadSqlCommand.Parameters(0).Value = fileName
uploadSqlCommand.Parameters(1).Value = buffer
uploadSqlCommand.Parameters(2).Value = fileType
uploadSqlCommand.Parameters(3).Value = Date.Now
' Open a connection to the Sql Server.
' Call the SqlCommand object's ExecuteNonQuery method
' to execute the stored procedure.
' Closs the connection to the Sql Server.
' Message user.
Me.statusLabel.Text = "File was successfully submitted to database"
Catch ex As Exception
' Message user.
Me.statusLabel.Text = "File was NOT successfully sbmitted to database. Exception was: " & ex.Message
If theConnection.State = ConnectionState.Open Then
End If
End Try
End Sub
Click the link above to download Visual Basic source code in a Visual Studio 2005 web solution which demonstrates how to use the ADO.NET SqlCommand, an HtmlInput control, and an ASP.NET 2.0 web page to to upload a binary large object (BLOB) and insert it into SQL Server table text type column.