在vb2003种使用GUI+实现动态曲线绘制(精品)(2007-02-10 08:09:00)
There are some quite advanced features that can be incorporated into a dynamic chart, sometimes depending on where the data is coming from. In this article, we are going to be begin with a fairly simple demo. Then we will move on to one that is slightly more sophisticated and finally we will look at further enhancements that could be incorporated into this kind of graph.
So, let me set the scene. What do we want to do here? Well, the first dynamic line chart I plan to create is one that takes some simple user input and displays the values as they are chosen on the chart. As each new value is selected, the chart will be extended and redrawn to show the continuous changes that have been made. When the screen width is "full", the earliest values are lost from view as the graphic display continues to scroll from right to left.
One quick and easy demo is to create pu......
C#和VB2005初学者如何使用FileSystemInfo类(源码)(2007-02-10 07:59:00)
摘要: Class in C# and VB.NET for beginners
FileSystemInfo Class
One of the rich experiences in working with .NET is a huge collection of Base Class Libraries. The .NET Framework class library is a library of classes, interfaces, and value types that are included in the Microsoft .NET Framework SDK. This library provides access to system functionality and is designed to be the foundation on which .NET Framework applications, components, and controls are built.
System.IO namespace contains types that allow synchronous and asynchronous reading and writing on data streams and files.
To parse information of lots of files and directories, the FileSystemInfo class comes in handy. It is an abstract class and contains members (methods, properties …) that are common to file and directory manipulation. A FileSystemInfo object can represent either a file or a directory. The implementation of this abstract class is done in FileInfo and DirectoryInfo class. The Members would take full path (ab......
用VB2005实现多窗体编程三(初级、全面、源码)(2007-02-10 07:54:00)
摘要:Multiple Forms in VB.NET. Part 4 - Accessing Controls and Data on the StartUp Form
Article source code: multipleforms4.zip
In previous articles, we looked at some common problems that seem to have caused problems for many newcomers to VB.NET. In this article we will take a look at a specific area which appears to contribute more than its fair share of grief to many people in the early days of the .NET learning curve.
As with all the previous articles, this one is aimed squarely at .NET Newbies and tries to provide explanation and solutions with the least possible amount of techno-speak. Inevitably this sometimes means that strict technical accuracy has to take a back seat where a tricky concept is being explained, but it's all in a good cause!
The Background
Some of the previous articles have covered methods of accessing controls and data between multiple forms. On the whole, though, those articles have tended to use examples which get information from a second fo......
在VB2005种实现多窗体编程二(初级、全面、源码)(2007-02-10 07:52:00)
摘要:Multiple Forms in VB.NET. Part 3 - Using Events in Multiple Forms
Article source code: multipleforms3.zip
As with the previous articles in this series, this one is also aimed at .NET Newbies and Upgraders. It tries to explain concepts as simply as possible, with the greatest use of plain English and minimum use of technical terms. The aim is to get the core ideas across as quickly as possible, so you can achieve the results you desire now; the technical details can follow in time. I know that many will not agree with this approach, but as a relative .NET Newbie myself, I know just how frustrating it can be trying to plough through a mass of technical detail in the early days when all you really want to do is, well, get started!
In this article, we are going to look at another topic on ways of dealing with multiple forms. As promised at the end of Part 2, we are first going to take a look at a way of passing data between multiple forms, but this time the user doesn't need to click ......
在VB2005种实现多窗体编程一(初级、全面、源码)(2007-02-10 07:51:00)
摘要:Multiple Forms in VB.NET. Part 1
Article source code: multipleforms.zip
Authors' Note February 2006:
This article was written in June 2003 and was aimed at users of the VB.NET 2002 and 2003 editions who were upgrading from VB6. Now that VB2005 has arrived, much of the content has been overtaken by improvements in that new edition and won't be applicable if this is the version you are using.
One of the first hurdles you're going to come up against when you move from Classic VB to VB.NET is getting to grips with the new ways of dealing with forms.
Your approach to forms in VB.NET is fundamentally different and hinges on the fact that the Framework implements forms as classes, so now you need an object variable to instantiate it. This article is aimed at helping you through some of those basic steps.
Instead of loadi......
如何使用VB2005设置窗体壁纸(2007-02-10 07:47:00)
摘要:VS2005 - Setting Windows Desktop Wallpaper
Guest Author: Jay Roxe
Here is some Visual Basic 2005 code for setting the Windows desktop wallpaper to an arbitrary image on the user's local drive. It illustrates use of VB2005 My classes, in this case to find the location of the user's My Pictures directory without a lot of coding.
To use, paste the following code into the top of your class module. This code requires Visual Basic 2005 to work.Private Const SPI_SETDESKWALLPAPER As Integer = &H14
Private Const SPIF_UPDATEINIFILE As Integer = &H1
Private Const SPIF_SENDWININICHANGE As Integer = &H2
Private Declare Auto Function SystemParametersInfo Lib "user32.dll" ( _
ByVal uAction As Integer, ByVal uParam As Integer, _
ByVal lpvParam As String, ByVal fuWinIni As Integer) As Integer
' change this to whatever filename you want to use
Const WallpaperFile As String = "MovieCollectionImage.bmp"
''' Sets the background of your Windows des......
如何使用VB2005的ListviewGroup控件实现内容的分组显示(2007-02-10 07:39:00)
摘要:How To Group ListView Items with ListViewGroup VB2005
This article with source code demonstrates how to group ListView Items with the ListViewGroup class and Visual Basic 2005. In the article example, customers are loaded from a database and three groups are created - customer name, region, and country.
Example Application Screen Shot
About the ListView Grouping
ListView grouping is used to create visual groups of logically related ListView items. Each group consists of a text-based header followed by a horizontal line and the items assigned to that group. See screen shot above for an example. You can align the header text to the left, right, or center of the control. Any groups assigned to a ListView control appear whenever the ListView.View property is set to a value other than View.List.
To use the grouping feature, add one or more ListViewGroup objects to the ListView.Groups collection of a ListView control.
Assign a ListView Item to a group by specifying the ......
如何将批量asp文档转换为txt文档(2007-01-08 17:24:00)
摘要: 这是我的第一次原创文章,其中借鉴和采用了诸位网友的建议和思想,在这里表示感谢,也希望大家能从本文中受益。本文适合Visual Basic语言的同志,特别是Visual Basic 2005的朋友们借鉴。
第一,将该网页文件(假定你的本地硬盘已经有了某网站的一个网页文件test.asp)直接改名为test.txt,然后双击打开该文件,看看内容是否我们需要的。如果里面没有脚本语言(如vbscript,java等等)的符号,诸如:<a href = ...>Link Text</a>,那么恭喜您,你可以通过visual basic 2005的文件处理模块,如my.computer.io,很方便地把所有该类型文页文件的扩展名直接改为.txt就万事大吉了!
WebBrowser1.Nevigate("F:\test.asp") '该语句用来打开要转换的网页文件
RichTextBox1.Text = WebBrowser1.Document.body.innertext......
vb2005程序员参考一书的源码(2006-12-23 20:09:00)
Visual Basic 2005 Programmer's Reference
by Rod Stephens
ISBN: 978-0-7645-7198-5
October 2005
1056 pages
If you are an instructor, request an evaluation copy of this title.
Print Version: US $39.99
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Download a .zip file with all the source code and project files used in the book.
To uncompress the file, Windows users can use Windows built-in ZIP utilities or a 3rd party utility like WinZip or WinRAR. ......
精通vb2005一书的源代码(2006-12-23 20:07:00)
Topic: Visual Basic
Professional VB 2005
by Bill Evjen, Billy Hollis, Rockford Lhotka, Tim McCarthy, Rama Ramachandran, Kent Sharkey, Bill Sheldon
ISBN: 978-0-7645-7536-5
November 2005
1104 pages
Print Version: US $49.99
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The code examples for this title are stored in a ZIP archive. To open it, you will need a computer with software capable of opening ZIP files. If you do not already have this capability, you c......