
献给即将奔赴战场的战友们2006-12-19 23:23:00

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“There is no way ahead ,Sir!What should we do?”

“The evil enemy is coming!”

“We have lost so many peers!”


        The continual reports came,anything but good news.I knew we would lose the war.As a generate,I begin to feel incapable.I sighed and looked out of the window.



           All my people were at a loss.They cried ,ran,or just stood still with no purpose.I noticed the sunset ,like blood as before.Suddenly a flag came into my view.It was CET-4’s.Yes,CET-4 was my enemy.Powerful?I do not know.Maybe you can know the answer after the war.After the war?What does that mean?It means the war has not been over.Not over?Yes,you still have chances to win.Yeah!We still have scopes to get a triumph!I became so ambitious as to be brought back to earth.But wait,wait,who was answering my question just now?Who?It is you!I was sure I found the answer in the long run.



   “Sir,what should we do next?”

   “Assemble the left army quickly!”I said with no hesitation.

   “Surrender?”He whispered to himself.

   “Carry out my order quickly!”I added.

   “Yes,Sir!”The voice was very potent,I thought.



       Soon I stood in front of the ranks,noticing that some of that took on a sad expression on their faces,with arms strapped;others remained calm,whose eyes were hollow and face blank.Then a sound from the deep of my heart came to my ears:They were suffering!It is your responsibility to encourage them.So I decided to give a talk.

   “Nothing to say.YOUR WILLS,YOUR WAYS!!!”Only two words.


  However,the result came out surprising.All my people  became energetic after my words,fighting against the crazy enemies and breaking every attack from them.we won the victory at last.

  After the war,I pondered who is the main factor of this victory.I?of course not.I was stimulated by CET-4.THUS,YOU SHOULD UNDERSTAND THAT CET-4 IS INDEED NOT AN ENEMY,BUT A FRIEND.




很遗憾,我的英语比较中文话(呵呵),比喻的也不是很好,不过我还是希望那些为4级 6级 或者是考研的同学能够一鼓作气,一次通过!祝福你们

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