
MATLAB_LA作業總結1_Help  System(2012-01-31 12:42:00)

摘要:1. help ***     Here " *** " should be a command or a function in MATLAB                 e.g. help sin
2. lookfor ***      Here " *** " could be any key words                e.g. lookfor equation ......

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几种编程语言的应用领域(2012-01-31 12:26:00)

摘要:BASIC:             数值计算,事务管理,绘画,游戏等
FORTRAN:    科学计算
PASCAL:         (1st结构化程序设计语言)培养学生自顶向下逐步求精的结构化程序设计思想与方法
JAVA:               制作大部分网络应用程序系统......

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开局初步(一)(2012-01-31 12:19:00)


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算法学习建议(2012-01-31 00:33:00)

摘要:算法学习建议(转) 作者:pysub      来源:zz     发表时间:2009-01-20     浏览次数: 16046      字号:大  中  小 http://www.yuanma.org/data/2009/0120/article_3491.htm

内容摘要 archive,第三阶段,blog,http, HTML, 算法学习建议(转) http://www.cppblog.com/Leon916/archive/2008/07/06/55480.html 一般要做到50行以内的程序不用调试、100行以内的二分钟内调试成功.acm主要是考算法的
 4.二分查找. (代码可在五行以内) 
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OJ FAQ(2012-01-31 00:28:00)

摘要:GDUT Online Judge FAQ

Q: What platform the judge system running on and what are the compiler options? 
A: The online judge system is running on Windows server 2003. We are using GNU MinGW GCC/G++ and the VC2003 compiler.The compile options are: 
C:            gcc foo.c -o foo.exe -ansi -fno-asm -O2 -Wall -lm --static 
C++:        g++ foo.c -o foo.exe -ansi -fno-asm -O2 -Wall -lm --static 
VC2003:   cl foo.cpp /G7 /MD /Ox /Ot /W3 /EHsc /link /OPT:NOWIN98

Q: What kind of input and output can I use at Online Judge?
A: Only standard input and output can be used.
You can solve problem 1000 in these ways:

#include <stdi......

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半数循环时用减法法代替乘法(2012-01-31 00:25:00)

a=0;a<=b/2;a++; 由于加减运算比乘除运算更快,可以取代为

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Python with Codeblocks(2012-01-31 00:04:00)

CB 中工具里添加,自定义工具->Python脚本测试->添加
名称:python脚本测试 (随意便可)
可执行的:C:\Python27\python.exe  (即python.exe所在的目录)
参数 :${active_editor_filename} 最后再加个快捷键就可以了
Python 绝对简明手册 看了一下,再加上白天稍微看了一下 自带的 chm文件,

Python Code #!/usr/bin/python #coding=utf- # 如果脚本中有中文 #coding=gbk 或者 utf-8,不然提示错误 # Filename: csdn.py import sys, os if len(sys.argv) != 3 : # 如果命令行参数不是三个 比如 csdn.py 88888 pw.txt c = raw_input('search:') # 输入搜索关键字 d = raw_input('output:') # 输入输出文件 else: ......

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Sublime Text Menu Problem(2012-01-30 23:44:00)

摘要:After intalling ST2, I click <hide menu> and then it seems be gone for ever. <F10> doesn't work. Then I download ST1.4, and click Preferences->General Preferences. Then a new tab pops up. It must be the configurations file, I think. Its path is: C:\Users\Line\AppData\Roaming\SublimeText\Packages\Default\Options\Application.sublime-options Then I go to C:\Users\Line\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 2\Settings\Session.sublime_session and change all the <"menu_visible": false> into <"menu_visible": true>. And problem solved!......

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2010程序设计期末试题(2012-01-30 23:23:00)

摘要: 7. After a is initialized, which of the following expressions CANNOT access the face component of a correctly? struct card{ char *face; char *suit; } a, *aPtr = &a; (A) a.face (B) aPtr->face (C) (*aPtr).face (D) &a->face My answer: C Correct answer: D Select all to see the answers and the tips Tips: just consider *aPtr as a, they are totally equivalent. Similarily, a[i] is the same as *(a+i). so a[i][j] is the same as *(a+i)[j] See T10 10. For int a[3][4], (*p)[4]=a; Which of the following CANNOT access a[i][j]
(A) *a[i]+j (B) (*(p+i))[j] (C) p[i][j] (D) *(*p+4*i+j) answer:A......

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