
[游戏]暴雪创始人谈新作《地狱之门》(转)2006-07-01 17:50:00

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    在前一段时间的台北电玩展上,原暴雪创始人之一的Bill Roper向玩家展示了他离开暴雪后创建新公司的第一款大作《地狱之门》,这款广受关注的游戏一展出,就表现出了巨大的吸引力,无数玩家在展台前争抢着不多的试玩机会。这次,Bill Roper和其亚洲的发行厂商韩光软件一起来到了中国大陆,于3月24日和31日分别在上海和北京两地举办网聚,向大陆的玩家展示这款游戏,同时收集大陆玩家对这款游戏的反馈意见,在上海的网聚上,记者采访了Bill Roper先生,请他介绍了这款游戏的一些情况。


    Bill Roper:这是我们公司的处女大作,我当然相信能取得和以往在“暴雪”时一样的好成果。目前的研发进程正很顺利地进行当中,相信在今年我们就可以把这个游戏推向市场,当然,具体时间还没有确定。

    Bill Roper:The development of the game is coming along very well. We are dedicated to releasing the game when it is ready as this was such a big part of our success at Blizzard. Since this is our first game with our new company, we know we can’t take forever. We intend to be starting beta testing sometime this year, so we are certainly on track with our expectations of the development of the game.


    Bill Roper:玩家的反应非常好,尤其是当他们在亲自体验过游戏之后,还提出了很多有益的意见。我们和玩家能有机会面对面直接的沟通,这对我们来说也是很珍贵的,他们的反应我们非常重视, 我们将把这些反馈带回美国和我公司的伙伴们分享,并将之应用到我们的作品中去。我希望在中国大陆的网聚也能有这种良好互动。

    Bill Roper:We got a lot of great feedback and excitement over the game, especially since they had a chance to play. When we take the game to show it to people in different parts of the world, we like to allow them to see where we are in development and be able to play if possible. TGS was a great time for us since not only did we get to show Taiwan gamers Hellgate: London, but also got to spend time talking with them. We heard so much excitement from them and also got some good feedback to take back and share with the team. We’re looking forward to doing the same here in China.

    Bill Roper:《地狱之门》是由开发DIABLO系列的开发团队制作的游戏,它结合了动作角色扮演和第一人称射击游戏的特点,可以在两种游戏模式中进行切换,以满足不同爱好着的不同需求。我们相信热爱《Diablo》和《CS》的玩家都会热爱我们的《地狱之门》。


    Bill Roper:Hellgate: London is an action/RPG played from both the first and third person perspective. Made by the creators of the Diablo series, Hellgate: London combines the best multiplayer online features of an MMORPG with the immersive action of first-person games like Counterstrike.

    Hellgate: London is set in the near future in London, England, 18 years after a demon invasion has largely destroyed the world. Humanity is reduced to just a few select groups of survivors, including the Templar class we will demonstrate today. Players will create characters and join with their friends to defeat the demons and establish a foothold that will be the basis of humanity’s continued existence.

    The game will have both stand alone and robust MMO-style versions so that we can give players whatever kind of gaming experience they desire. From fast-paced fighting to massive numbers of items to a completely randomized world to a huge community of gamers with guilds and the ability to play with people from all over the world, Hellgate: London will appeal to players who love anything from Diablo to Conterstrike.



    Bill Roper:我们和“韩光软件”一直都合作的紧密无间,并相信他们会选择各国当地最优秀的合作伙伴来为玩家服务。而我们此行来中国,就是想充分听取媒体朋友和玩家的反映意见,以及他们希望在游戏中能玩到的功能。《Diablo》在中国非常受欢迎,我们非常期待《地狱之门》能够青出于蓝。

    Bill Roper:We work with HanbitSoft very closely and we believe they will co-op with partners all around the world to make sure that we are doing all we can to make the game interesting and exciting for gamers in their markets. We also do things like come to China to meet with both the journalists and gamers to get their reactions to the game and hear what they want to see in the game. We had some great success with the Diablo games here, and are excited about building off the popular elements of that series with Hellgate: London.


    Bill Roper:是的,我们当然会加入中国元素,事实上这也是我们计划中的一环。这周以及下周我们在上海、北京召开的两场网聚,就是要听取玩家意见,在我们的游戏添加更多的中国风格的元素,事实上我对这两场见面会感到非常兴奋和期待。我们也希望有更多的机会能和中国的玩家进行面对面的沟通。

    Bill Roper:We will make sure to have elements in the game for Chinese players, and in fact, this is a part of our development and localization process. We will also have offline events, and in fact we will be meeting Chinese players in both Shanghai and Beijing this week and next week during our press tour. This is very exciting for us!


    Bill Roper:目前最后的开发工作正在有条不紊的进行中,我们正在规划全球同步上市。上市日虽还未确定但我们相信会是圆满的。

    Bill Roper:We are working very hard to have a world-wide release so that every country will get the chance to play Hellgate: London at the same time. We have not set a date for the release of the game, but it is our intention to have the launch of the game be a huge event that we can all share in together.


     PS: 特点:融合了动作角色扮演(Diablo)和第一人称射击(CS).  美术风格


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