
一周英语学习总结(07.1.6)2007-01-06 15:35:00

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Buzz term:时髦用语

Light a controversy:激发争论

On and off campus:校院内外

Attract wide public attention:引起广泛的公共注意

Make the headline:成为头条新闻


Make up for:补偿

Take into account:重视,考虑

Take precautions against:预防

Make a splash:炫耀财富

Mutual suspicion:互相猜疑

Appeal to:恳求

Sustainable development:可持续发展

Silence means consent:沉默意味着同意




Mutual understanding is essential to friendship.

Dramatic changes in the international situation

He paraphrased the poem in modern English.

The football team achieved a complete triumph.

His strange behavior had greatly perplexed her.

His manner was quiet, his speech deliberate.

It was a deliberate lie.

We dare not play jokes on him lest he should become angry.

Later on she stopped leading a vicious life.

He has some extravagant expectations.

Don’t be so extravagant; spend your money more carefully.

The ship is loading freight.

It is less costly to freight merchandise than to mail it.

The house is substantial enough to last a hundred years.

If we coordinate our efforts we should be able to win the game.

After a fierce battle the enemy was forced to retreat.

The three banks in this town will consolidate and form a single large bank.

Nine Indians were taken captive.

He subscribed the Reader’s Digest.

We were apprehensive that they might forget.

They would not consent to my leaving school.

I feel nothing but contempt for cheating.

David is very enthusiastic about the plan.






1.         Any work or project without blueprint just like a solo ship sailing in the sea without direction.

2.         Work or life is unimaginable without any planning and management.

3.         If you want to hunt for a better job, you should begin with your own preparation.

4.         For instance, take a sheet of resume to introduce your education background, work experiences and other qualifications.

5.         Only in well-planned manner can you have a much brighter future.

6.         In my opinion, everyone in this changing society has to carefully determine what to do next and now.

7.         If not planned in advance, what has been done is nothing good but to offer the potential threat to daily life and working convenience.

8.         Work without plan means failure without doubt.




1.         It has been estimated that a thousand years ago there were less than 400 million people on earth.

2.         Some people have predicted that there will be about 7 billion people living on the globe next century.

3.         To make thing worse, the number still keeps growing.

4.         The population explosion is mainly caused by the development of science and technology.

5.         The emergence of modern medicine has lowered the death rate.

6.         The population explosion has caused many problems such as food shortage, insufficient housing and so on.

7.         The land on which man can grow grain and build houses can not be expanded.

8.         So it is clear that the people of the whole world should control the growth of the population.

9.         The most successful way to solve this problem which has been found so far is birth control.




1.         There are so many things or desires that the man has to bear or to seek.

2.         Every day we jump out of bed, swallow a quick breakfast and then rush to catch the bus.

3.         When arriving at the workplace, we have to work every minute to its full value until we dray home and throw ourselves deep into the sofa.

4.         The fast pace of modern life do bring us great pressure.

5.         The first stress-maker is competition.

6.         Many people are involved in a fierce competition for money, ranks, and fame.

7.         We try every means to stay on the top.

8.         The second, a reason closely related to the first one, is unhappy interpersonal relationship.

9.         Some people are so stupid at people skills that they always feel ill at ease when working with others.

10.     They can’t make themselves part of a group, and the loneliness greatly distress them.

11.     How can we adapt ourselves to the stress then?

12.     We should develop a positive attitude towards competition.

13.     Competition is not the ultimate goal of life, but a driving force that motivates us to fulfill our dreams and to realize our personal value.

14.     We should also develop a sense of commitment to self, work, family, community and other important values.

15.     We will be able to rise to challenge and to meet failure in the face.




1.         It is fairly well known that we have achieved great progress in developing our economy.

2.         Over the past two decades, economic development has lift the country from poverty to prosperity.

3.         However, development has often been carried out at the cost of environment.

4.         The more frequent occurrence of sand winds is such a reprisal(报复,赔偿).

5.         As we live in the same world and share the same lot, we have to cooperate with each other, since this is a win-win matter.

6.         The authority has decided to encourage farmers to return the reclaimed land into grassland or forests.




1.         China is catching a fever for English.

2.         People of all ages and from all works of life are crazy for English.

3.         The main reasons for this English fever in china are obvious.

4.         First of all, a string of memorable events happened in 2001: Beijing won the bid to host the 2008 Olympics.

5.         China entered the WTO, Shanghai successfully hosted APEC meeting.

6.         China’s more active involvement in the international community help to fuel people’s enthusiasm for English.

7.         English is useful for many people to get promotion, or a handsome salary.

8.         A person’s language skill has become the hallmark of social status.

9.         People, especially those in big cities, are mobilized to learn English.

10.     This English fever will promote cultural and economic exchanges between china and other countries.



天然气(natural gas)

1.         Natural gas emit no smoke when burning. So it is widely regarded as a clean energy.

2.         The output of natural gas has increased in the past five years.

3.         It is reported that china is rich in natural gas.

4.         Recently several gas fields have been confirmed and more gas areas are being explored in northwest and northeast china.

5.         Natural gas enters thousands of factories and household.


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