
JAVA饼形图制作转载2006-03-22 09:35:00

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      style="COLOR: #000080; FONT-SIZE: 7pt; HEIGHT: 5.81pt; LEFT: 259.4pt; POSITION: absolute; TEXT-ALIGN: left; TOP: 263.79pt; WIDTH: 42pt">Europe

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      coordsize = "21600,21600" fillcolor = "#c0c080" strokeweight =


      style="COLOR: #000080; FONT-SIZE: 7pt; HEIGHT: 5.81pt; LEFT: 259.4pt; POSITION: absolute; TEXT-ALIGN: left; TOP: 297.39pt; WIDTH: 35pt">Other


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      style="FONT-SIZE: 7pt; HEIGHT: 5.81pt; LEFT: 369.9pt; POSITION: absolute; TEXT-ALIGN: left; TOP: 64.09pt; WIDTH: 16.8pt">Fred


      style="FONT-SIZE: 7pt; HEIGHT: 5.81pt; LEFT: 369.9pt; POSITION: absolute; TEXT-ALIGN: left; TOP: 71.79pt; WIDTH: 25.2pt">Bloggs

      style="HEIGHT: 3240px; POSITION: absolute; WIDTH: 4320px" coordsize =
      "4320,3240" fillcolor = "#f8f2f2" strokeweight = ".5pt" path =
      points = "3027,1981,3004,1804" filled = "f" strokecolor = "black"
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      style="FONT-SIZE: 7pt; HEIGHT: 5.81pt; LEFT: 306.8pt; POSITION: absolute; TEXT-ALIGN: left; TOP: 193.99pt; WIDTH: 12.6pt">Joe

      style="HEIGHT: 3240px; POSITION: absolute; WIDTH: 4320px" coordsize =
      "4320,3240" fillcolor = "#aad5d5" strokeweight = ".5pt" path =
      points = "2118,1276,2290,1229" filled = "f" strokecolor = "black"
      strokeweight = ".6pt">      "round">


      style="FONT-SIZE: 7pt; HEIGHT: 5.81pt; LEFT: 189.4pt; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 119.69pt; WIDTH: 21pt">Harry


      style="FONT-SIZE: 7pt; HEIGHT: 5.81pt; LEFT: 172.6pt; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 127.39pt; WIDTH: 37.8pt">the

      style="HEIGHT: 3240px; POSITION: absolute; WIDTH: 4320px"
      title="Albert the Rat has an exploded sector!" coordsize = "4320,3240"
      fillcolor = "#dbeddb" strokeweight = ".5pt" path =
      points = "2158,348,2288,471" filled = "f" strokecolor = "black"
      strokeweight = ".6pt">      "round">


      style="FONT-SIZE: 7pt; HEIGHT: 5.81pt; LEFT: 155.6pt; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 30.79pt; WIDTH: 58.8pt">Albert
      the Rat

      style="HEIGHT: 3240px; POSITION: absolute; WIDTH: 4320px" coordsize =
      "4320,3240" fillcolor = "#c58bc5" strokeweight = ".5pt" path =
      points = "2710,264,2753,437" filled = "f" strokecolor = "black"
      strokeweight = ".6pt">      "round">


      style="FONT-SIZE: 7pt; HEIGHT: 5.81pt; LEFT: 252.8pt; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 22.29pt; WIDTH: 16.8pt">Bill


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