
SETPART.C(转载)(2006-06-12 09:12:00)

摘要:/* ------------------------------------------------------ */
/* FUNCTION  set_partition :                              */
/*    Given an integer n, this function will lists all    */
/* possible partitions of {1,2,3,...,n}.                  */
/*                                                        */
/* Copyright Ching-Kuang Shene               July/24/1989 */
/* ---......

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PERMUT_R.C(转载)(2006-06-12 09:11:00)

摘要:/* ------------------------------------------------------ */
/* PROGRAM permutation by rotation :                      */
/*    Give an integer n, this program generates all       */
/* possible permutations by using rotation operations.    */
/*                                                        */
/* Copyright Ching-Kuang Shene               July/08/1989 */
/* ------------------------------------------------------ */ #include  <stdio.h>

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PERMU_LR.C(转载)(2006-06-12 09:10:00)

摘要:#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h> #define  LOOP         1
#define  SWAP(a,b)    { int t; t = a; a = b; b = t; }
#define  REVERSE(a,b) { int i, j;                            \
                        for (i=(a), j=(b); i < j; i++, j--)  \
                             SWAP(perm[i], perm[j]);         \
#define  DISPLAY(n......

阅读全文(1970) | 评论:0

LEXICAL.C(转载)(2006-06-12 09:10:00)

摘要:/* ------------------------------------------------------ */
/* PROGRAM All Possible Subset by Lexical Order :         */
/*    This program generates all subsets by lexical order.*/
/*                                                        */
/* Copyright Ching-Kuang Shene               July/05/1989 */
/* ------------------------------------------------------ */ #include  <stdio.h>
#include  <stdlib.h> #define   MAXSIZE      20
#define   LOOP          1 void ......

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KSUBSET.C(转载)(2006-06-12 09:09:00)

摘要:/* ------------------------------------------------------ */
/* PROGRAM Lexical Order of k-Subsets :                   */
/*    Given a n-element set {1,2,3,...,n} and a k <= n,   */
/* this program lists all k-element subsets of {1,2,..,n} */
/* in lexical order.                                      */
/*                                                        */
/* Copyright Ching-Kuang Shene &n......

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INTPART.C(转载)(2006-06-12 09:08:00)

摘要:/* ------------------------------------------------------ */
/* PROGRAM  integer partition :                           */
/*    Given a positive integer n, this program lists all  */
/* partition of n in anti-lexical order.                  */
/*                                                        */
/* Copyright Ching-Kuang Shene               July/21/1989 */
/* ----------------------------......

阅读全文(2011) | 评论:1

INTPART#.C(转载)(2006-06-12 09:08:00)

摘要:/* ------------------------------------------------------ */
/* FUNCTION  int_part_no :                                */
/*    Given an integer n, this function computes the      */
/* number of partitions of the input integer.  NOTE that  */
/* this function computes the number only and does not    */
/* generate the corresponding partition.  For the second  */
/* purpose, see program INTPART.C please.                 */
/*                                       &......

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GRAYCODE.C(转载)(2006-06-12 09:07:00)

摘要:/* ------------------------------------------------------ */
/* PROGRAM Subset Generation by Gray Code :               */
/*    This program generates all possible subsets of a n  */
/* elements set with Gray Code.  Simply speaking, the Gray*/
/* code of n bits is a sequence of n-bit strings such that*/
/* any two consecutive two bit strings have exactly one   */
/* position in difference.  For example, for n = 3, the   */
/* gray code generated is the sequence 000,001,010,011,   */
/* 010,110,111,101 and 100.  Therefore each item of this  */
/* sequence corresponds one subset as in the direct method*/
/*                                    &n......

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DIRECT.C(转载)(2006-06-12 09:05:00)

摘要:/* ------------------------------------------------------ */
/* PROGRAM Subset Listing :                               */
/*    This program lists all subsets, including empty set,*/
/* of a given set with elements {1,2,...,n} by using a    */
/* direct generation method.                              */
/*                                                        */
/* Copyright Chi......

阅读全文(1938) | 评论:0

图书管理(3)(2006-01-03 11:28:00)

摘要:#include <dos.h>
#include <bios.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#define LEFT 0x4b00
#define RIGHT 0x4d00
#define DOWN 0x5000
#define UP 0x4800
#define SPACE 0x3920
#define ESC 0x011b
#define ENTER 0x1c0d
#define Backspace 0xe08 /*擦除键*/
#define ALT_B 12288 /*组合键ALT_B */
#define ALT_H 8960/*组合键ALT_H */
int key;/*按键变量*/
int textx,texty;/*光标坐标,x行,y列*/
struct menustruct/*菜单用的结构体*/
   char name[10];/*主菜单名*/
   char str[10][20];/*选项*/
   int n;/*选项数*/
typedef struct BookList/*书的结构体*/
   char num[20];/*图书编号*/
   char name[20];
   int price;
   int yes;/*判断书是否存在或者已经借出,1存在,0借出*/
   struct BookList *next;
char save[4096];/*保存文本区域空间*/
char c[4096];/*清屏专用空间*/
int i,j;
void Menu();/*初始化界面*/
void Selectitem();/*定义菜单......

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