
float ToolBar && dock ToolBar2007-09-01 11:21:00

【评论】 【打印】 【字体: 】 本文链接:http://blog.pfan.cn/qiutao/29026.html


A docked toolbar is a child of the frame window it's docked to, but a floating toolbar is a child of the mini frame window that surrounds it. The mini frame window is a popup window owned by the frame window, but it's not a child of the frame window. (A popup window is a window with the style WS_POPUP; a child window has the WS_CHILD style instead.) The distinction is important because popup windows owned by a frame window are destroyed before the frame window is destroyed. Child windows, on the other hand, are destroyed after their parents are destroyed. A floating toolbar no longer exists when the frame window's OnDestroy function is called.

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