Eclipse 插件汇总2006-04-15 22:57:00
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[JAVA]Eclipse 插件汇总(转载+不断更新) 软件技术
小鱼儿 发表于 2006-4-4 10:13:49 |
让Eclipse可以像JBuilderX一样使用拖拉方式建构GUI的外挂: 1.Jigloo SWT/Swing GUI Builder : ; 下载此版本:Jigloo plugin for Eclipse (using Java 1.4 or 1.5) 安装后即可由档案->新建->其它->GUI Form选取要建构的GUI类型。
2.Eclipse Visual Editor Project: ; 点选下方Download Page,再点选Latest Release 0.5.0进入下载。 除了VE-runtime-0.5.0.zip要下载外,以下这2个也要: EMF build 1.1.1: (build page) (download zip) GEF Build 2.1.2: (build page) (download zip)
3.0 M8版本,请下载: EMF build I200403250631 GEF Build I20040330 VE-runtime-1.0M1
安装成功后,便可由File->New->Visual Class开始UI设计。 安装成功后,即可由新建->Java->AWT与Swing里选择 所要建构的GUI类型开始进行设计。VE必须配合着对应 版本,才能正常使用,否则即使安装成功,使用上仍会 有问题。
使用Eclipse来开发JSP程序: 外挂名称:lomboz(下载页面) ; 请选择适合自己版本的lomboz下载,lomboz.212.p1.zip表示2.1.2版, lomboz.3m7.zip表示M7版本....以此类推。 lomboz安装以及设置教学: Eclipse开发JSP-教学文件
Java转exe篇: 实现方式:Eclipse搭配JSmooth(免费)。 1.先由Eclipse制作包含Manifest的JAR。制作教学 2.使用JSmooth将做好的JAR包装成EXE。 JSmooth下载页面: ; 3.制作完成的exe文件,可在有装置JRE的Windows上执行。
1、struts-console、faces-console 开发struts应用之必需控件,对各种struts配置文件进行图形界面操作
StrutsIDE ( LGPL / J2EE development platform ) updated:2005-5-2 version 1.1.4 StrutsIDE is an Eclipse plugin for web application development using Jakarta Struts Framework. It provides graphical editing for struts-config.xml.
2、xmlBuddy 编辑xml文件的插件,支持代码援助(根据DTD定义)
3、sysdeo tomcat plug-in 支持开发环境中Tomcat调试
4、lomboz j2ee plug-in 支持代码援助式编辑jsp文件。eclipse本身也很快就会支持jsp编辑 (学习) (下载)
5、jFacedbc 数据库插件
6、vss plugin 支持集成开发环境中VSS检出检入支持
7,VE(visual editor),emf,gef插件
Solex ( Free / Testing ) updated:2005-1-23 Version0.5.2b for Eclipse 3.* Solex is a Web application testing tool built as a plug-in for the Eclipse IDE. It provides functions to record a client session, adjust it according to various parameters and replay it later typically in order to ensure non regression ...
SWT/Swing Designerupdated ( Free and commercial versions / UI ) updated:2005-5-3 Versions 4.0.1 Eclipse 2.0.x, 2.1.x, 3.0.x and 3.1.0 M1-M6 SWT/Swing Designer is a powerful and easy to use two-way Java GUI designer that supports both Eclipse SWT and Sun Swing technology. It is very easy to create Java GUI applications without spend...
eclipse-tutorialupdated ( N/A / Tutorial ) updated:2005-5-6 tutorial accesible via through an eclipse plugin too. A collection of tutorials which describe how to use Eclipse for Java development. Developing open source Java applications with and Eclipse This HTML tutorial introduces Eclipse and shows how it can be used to develop open source Java...
Exadel Studio -- Free IDE for JSF and Strutsupdated ( Free / Web ) updated:2005-5-8 Version 2.5.1 for Eclipse 3.0.x. Exadel Studio is a powerful Web application development tool that extends Eclipse functionality allowing developers to fully utilize Rapid Application Development (RAD) techniques. This cost-effective, simplified solution i...
XmlAuthor ( Free / XML ) updated:2005-5-2 XmlAuthor is a high quality XML editor plug-in for Eclipse 3.1. It provides all of the standard features you would expect to find in an eclipse editor including: - Syntax Highlighting - Error Reporting - Outline View with Navigation Support. - Content Assist XmlAuthor is free for both comme...
XMLBuddy ( Free and commercial versions / XML ) updated:2005-1-30 Version 2.0.23 This version provides basic XML editing capabilities, including support for coloring, code assist, outline view, encoding and validation. The download is an Eclipse plugin you can unzip into your plugins folder.
EclipseUML2 ( CPL1.0 / UML ) updated:2005-4-26 Version 1.0.2, and 1.1.0 Integration build (I200504210935) for Eclipse 3.0 The UML2 project (an Eclipse Tools sub-project) is an EMF-based implementation of the UML 2.0 metamodel for the Eclipse platform. The objectives of this project are to provide a useable ...
Omondo EclipseUML ( Free for non-commercial use / UML ) updated:2005-4-11 EclipseUML 2.0.0 Studio/Free for Eclipse 3.0.2* OMONDO EclipseUML will launch the first modeling software offering full native integration with Eclipse and WSAD. As opposed to other UML Vendors who just re-adapt their software, our solution has been develope...
Sysdeo Eclipse Tomcat Launcher ( Free / Tomcat ) updated:2005-4-30 Version 2.2.1 for Eclipse 2.1.*, Version 3.1 beta for Eclipse 3.0/3.1 Features: - Starting, stopping and restarting Tomcat 5.x, Tomcat 4.x or 3.3 - Registering Tomcat process to Eclipse debugger - Creating or importing a WAR project (wizard can update ser...
Lomboz ( Free / J2EE development platform ) updated:2005-2-10 R1 Build-20050106 for Eclipse 3.1.x, R2 Build-20050106 for Eclipse 3.0.x, R3 Build-04042004-1 Eclipse 2.1.x Lomboz is a free Eclipse plugin for J2EE developers. The tool follows a simple principle: "No magic tricks". Lomboz is integrated with many popular op...
Solex ( Free / Testing ) updated:2005-1-23 Version0.5.2b for Eclipse 3.* Solex is a Web application testing tool built as a plug-in for the Eclipse IDE. It provides functions to record a client session, adjust it according to various parameters and replay it later typically in order to ensure non regression ...
SQLExplorer ( LGPL / Database ) updated:2005-3-29 Version 2.2.3 for eclipse 3.0 SQLExplorer is a database query/schema viewer for nearly any kind of JDBC database. It also supports plugins for specialized functionality for individual databases and data tools ( like Hibernate ) It is fork of the JFace...
DBEdit ( Free for non-commercial use / Database ) updated:2005-4-12 Version for Eclipse 3.0 DbEdit is a set of plugins for the Eclipse Platform that provide viewing, editing and designing capabilities using the JDBCTM API. It is not intended to replace any proprietary database management tool because it surely cannot beat the...
Hibernate Synchronizer ( CPL1.0 / Database ) updated:2005-1-28 v2.2.2 for Eclipse 2.1, v3.0.1 for Eclipse 3.x Hibernate Synchronizer is a free Eclipse plugin code generation tool to be used with the Hibernate persistence framework. The plugin will automatically generate java code wh...
DB Studio ( Free / Database ) updated:2005-3-19 Version 3.1.1 New Version 3.1.1 DB Studio 3.1.1 is now available in 3 formats: * As an Eclipse plugin * As a Stand-Alone Application (pre-packaged with Eclipse) * As part of ThinStructure 3.1.1 DB Studio is an easy-to-use graphical front-end to all databases....
NRG JavaScript editornew ( Unknown / Languages ) updated:2005-5-8 A simple Javascript editor with syntax highlighting and code completion
NitroX JSP Editor J2EE development platform (1.0) FREE NitroX JSP Editor for Eclipse Download: The NitroX JSP Editor provides the following features: * Professional JSP source editor * Simultaneous 2-way source and visual JSP editors * JSP 2.0 (including EL) - Unequaled! * JSTL * Grapical editor for TLDs * Graphical editor for web.xml * Code completion * Custom tag library support * + much more * and it's FREE! Act now because this offer is available only for a limited time. Thank you, M7 Team more
NitroX Struts IDE J2EE development platform (0.6663198) itroX for JSP and Struts - Extends eclipse to the next level in web application development. Debug JSP pages directly. Set break points directly on your JSP pages, step through the actual JSP page. Step into tags, scriplets, etc. Debugging capabilities goes well beyond other environments with support for most application servers. Unique JSP variables view isolates variables for easy access.AppXRay - Scans the web app and provides NitroX the knowledge of all web artifacts so that automatic v... | |
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