/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * U S B - K e r n e l *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Name: usb.h * Purpose: USB definiton file for Philips LPC214x Family Microprocessors * Version: V1.04 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties, express, * implied or statutory, including but not limited to the implied * warranties of fitness for purpose, satisfactory quality and * noninfringement. Keil extends you a royalty-free right to reproduce and * distribute executable files created using this software for use on * Philips LPC2xxx microcontroller devices only. Nothing else gives you the * right to use this software. * * Copyright (c) 2005 Keil Software. * Modified by Philips Semiconductor *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifndef __USB_H__ #define __USB_H__ #pragma pack(1) typedef union { WORD W; struct { BYTE L; BYTE H; } WB; } WORD_BYTE; /* bmRequestType.Dir */ #define REQUEST_HOST_TO_DEVICE 0 #define REQUEST_DEVICE_TO_HOST 1 /* bmRequestType.Type */ #define REQUEST_STANDARD 0 #define REQUEST_CLASS 1 #define REQUEST_VENDOR 2 #define REQUEST_RESERVED 3 /* bmRequestType.Recipient */ #define REQUEST_TO_DEVICE 0 #define REQUEST_TO_INTERFACE 1 #define REQUEST_TO_ENDPOINT 2 #define REQUEST_TO_OTHER 3 /* bmRequestType Definition */ typedef union _REQUEST_TYPE { struct _BM { BYTE Recipient : 5; BYTE Type : 2; BYTE Dir : 1; } BM; BYTE B; } REQUEST_TYPE; /* USB Standard Request Codes */ #define USB_REQUEST_GET_STATUS 0 #define USB_REQUEST_CLEAR_FEATURE 1 #define USB_REQUEST_SET_FEATURE 3 #define USB_REQUEST_SET_ADDRESS 5 #define USB_REQUEST_GET_DESCRIPTOR 6 #define USB_REQUEST_SET_DESCRIPTOR 7 #define USB_REQUEST_GET_CONFIGURATION 8 #define USB_REQUEST_SET_CONFIGURATION 9 #define USB_REQUEST_GET_INTERFACE 10 #define USB_REQUEST_SET_INTERFACE 11 #define USB_REQUEST_SYNC_FRAME 12 /* USB GET_STATUS Bit Values */ #define USB_GETSTATUS_SELF_POWERED 0x01 #define USB_GETSTATUS_REMOTE_WAKEUP 0x02 #define USB_GETSTATUS_ENDPOINT_STALL 0x01 /* USB Standard Feature selectors */ #define USB_FEATURE_ENDPOINT_STALL 0 #define USB_FEATURE_REMOTE_WAKEUP 1 /* USB Default Control Pipe Setup Packet */ //设备请求(8Byte):记录请求的内容 typedef struct _USB_SETUP_PACKET { REQUEST_TYPE bmRequestType; //设备请求类型 BYTE bRequest; //设备请求 WORD_BYTE wValue; //值 WORD_BYTE wIndex; //索引 WORD wLength; //长度 } USB_SETUP_PACKET; /* USB Descriptor Types */ #define USB_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE 1 #define USB_CONFIGURATION_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE 2 #define USB_STRING_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE 3 #define USB_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE 4 #define USB_ENDPOINT_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE 5 #define USB_DEVICE_QUALIFIER_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE 6 #define USB_OTHER_SPEED_CONFIG_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE 7 #define USB_INTERFACE_POWER_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE 8 /* USB Device Classes */ #define USB_DEVICE_CLASS_RESERVED 0x00 #define USB_DEVICE_CLASS_AUDIO 0x01 #define USB_DEVICE_CLASS_COMMUNICATIONS 0x02 #define USB_DEVICE_CLASS_HUMAN_INTERFACE 0x03 #define USB_DEVICE_CLASS_MONITOR 0x04 #define USB_DEVICE_CLASS_PHYSICAL_INTERFACE 0x05 #define USB_DEVICE_CLASS_POWER 0x06 #define USB_DEVICE_CLASS_PRINTER 0x07 #define USB_DEVICE_CLASS_STORAGE 0x08 #define USB_DEVICE_CLASS_HUB 0x09 #define USB_DEVICE_CLASS_VENDOR_SPECIFIC 0xFF /* bmAttributes in Configuration Descriptor */ #define USB_CONFIG_POWERED_MASK 0xC0 #define USB_CONFIG_BUS_POWERED 0x80 #define USB_CONFIG_SELF_POWERED 0x40 #define USB_CONFIG_REMOTE_WAKEUP 0x20 /* bMaxPower in Configuration Descriptor */ #define USB_CONFIG_POWER_MA(mA) ((mA)/2) /* bEndpointAddress in Endpoint Descriptor */ #define USB_ENDPOINT_DIRECTION_MASK 0x80 #define USB_ENDPOINT_OUT(addr) ((addr) | 0x00) #define USB_ENDPOINT_IN(addr) ((addr) | 0x80) /* bmAttributes in Endpoint Descriptor */ #define USB_ENDPOINT_TYPE_MASK 0x03 #define USB_ENDPOINT_TYPE_CONTROL 0x00 //控制传输=00H #define USB_ENDPOINT_TYPE_ISOCHRONOUS 0x01 //同步传输=01H #define USB_ENDPOINT_TYPE_BULK 0x02 //批量传输=02H #define USB_ENDPOINT_TYPE_INTERRUPT 0x03 //中断传输=03H #define USB_ENDPOINT_SYNC_MASK 0x0C #define USB_ENDPOINT_SYNC_NO_SYNCHRONIZATION 0x00 #define USB_ENDPOINT_SYNC_ASYNCHRONOUS 0x04 #define USB_ENDPOINT_SYNC_ADAPTIVE 0x08 #define USB_ENDPOINT_SYNC_SYNCHRONOUS 0x0C #define USB_ENDPOINT_USAGE_MASK 0x30 #define USB_ENDPOINT_USAGE_DATA 0x00 #define USB_ENDPOINT_USAGE_FEEDBACK 0x10 #define USB_ENDPOINT_USAGE_IMPLICIT_FEEDBACK 0x20 #define USB_ENDPOINT_USAGE_RESERVED 0x30 /* USB Standard Device Descriptor */ //设备描述符 typedef struct _USB_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR { BYTE bLength; BYTE bDescriptorType; WORD bcdUSB; BYTE bDeviceClass; BYTE bDeviceSubClass; BYTE bDeviceProtocol; BYTE bMaxPacketSize0; WORD idVendor; WORD idProduct; WORD bcdDevice; BYTE iManufacturer; BYTE iProduct; BYTE iSerialNumber; BYTE bNumConfigurations; } USB_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR; /* USB 2.0 Device Qualifier Descriptor */ //设备查询描述符?? typedef struct _USB_DEVICE_QUALIFIER_DESCRIPTOR { BYTE bLength; BYTE bDescriptorType; WORD bcdUSB; BYTE bDeviceClass; BYTE bDeviceSubClass; BYTE bDeviceProtocol; BYTE bMaxPacketSize0; BYTE bNumConfigurations; BYTE bReserved; } USB_DEVICE_QUALIFIER_DESCRIPTOR; /* USB Standard Configuration Descriptor */ //配置描述符 typedef struct _USB_CONFIGURATION_DESCRIPTOR { BYTE bLength; BYTE bDescriptorType; WORD wTotalLength; BYTE bNumInterfaces; BYTE bConfigurationValue; BYTE iConfiguration; BYTE bmAttributes; BYTE MaxPower; } USB_CONFIGURATION_DESCRIPTOR; /* USB Standard Interface Descriptor */ //接口描述符 typedef struct _USB_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTOR { BYTE bLength; BYTE bDescriptorType; BYTE bInterfaceNumber; BYTE bAlternateSetting; BYTE bNumEndpoints; BYTE bInterfaceClass; BYTE bInterfaceSubClass; BYTE bInterfaceProtocol; BYTE iInterface; } USB_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTOR; /* USB Standard Endpoint Descriptor */ //端点描述符 typedef struct _USB_ENDPOINT_DESCRIPTOR { BYTE bLength; BYTE bDescriptorType; BYTE bEndpointAddress; BYTE bmAttributes; WORD wMaxPacketSize; BYTE bInterval; } USB_ENDPOINT_DESCRIPTOR; //字符串描述符 /* USB String Descriptor */ typedef struct _USB_STRING_DESCRIPTOR { BYTE bLength; BYTE bDescriptorType; WORD bString/*[]*/; } USB_STRING_DESCRIPTOR; // 命令描述符?? /* USB Common Descriptor */ typedef struct _USB_COMMON_DESCRIPTOR { BYTE bLength; BYTE bDescriptorType; } USB_COMMON_DESCRIPTOR; #pragma pack() #endif /* __USB_H__ */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * U S B - K e r n e l *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Name: usbdesc.c * Purpose: USB Descriptors file for Philips LPC214x Family * Microprocessors * Version: V1.04 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties, express, * implied or statutory, including but not limited to the implied * warranties of fitness for purpose, satisfactory quality and * noninfringement. Keil extends you a royalty-free right to reproduce and * distribute executable files created using this software for use on * Philips LPC2xxx microcontroller devices only. Nothing else gives you the * right to use this software. * * Copyright (c) 2005 Keil Software. * Modified by Philips Semiconductor *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "type.h" #include "usb.h" #include "usbcfg.h" #include "usbdesc.h" /* Two interface descriptor for 2 Virtual COM port,, each VCOM uses 3 endpoints */ /* The total number of endpoints are 6, 2 interrupt IN for modem status reading, 2 BULK OUT for COM TX, and 2 BULK IN for COM RX */ #define NUM_ENDPOINTS 3 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* USB Standard Device Descriptor */ //设备描述符 const BYTE USB_DeviceDescriptor[] = { USB_DEVICE_DESC_SIZE, /* bLength */ //设备描述符长度,=12H USB_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE, /* bDescriptorType */ //设备描述符类型,=01H WBVAL(0x0100), /* 1.00 */ /* bcdUSB */ //协议版本,=1.00 0x00, /* bDeviceClass */ //测试设备类型,=00H 0x00, /* bDeviceSubClass */ //设备子类, 0x00, /* bDeviceProtocol */ //设备协议 USB_MAX_PACKET0, /* bMaxPacketSize0 */ //端点最大数据包大小 WBVAL(0xC251), /* 51,C2 */ /* idVendor */ //厂家的设备ID WBVAL(0x1305), /* 05,13 */ /* idProduct */ //产品ID WBVAL(0x0110), /* 10,01=1.10 */ /* bcdDevice */ //设备序列号 0x04, /* iManufacturer */ //索引 (0x04,0x20,0x4A) 0x20, /* iProduct */ 0x4A, /* iSerialNumber */ 0x01 /* bNumConfigurations */ //可能配置数 }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* USB Configuration Descriptor */ /* All Descriptors (Configuration, Interface, Endpoint, Class, Vendor */ const BYTE USB_ConfigDescriptor[] = { //[ 配置描述符 ] /* Configuration 1 */ USB_CONFIGUARTION_DESC_SIZE, /* bLength */ //配置描述符长度,=09H USB_CONFIGURATION_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE, /* bDescriptorType */ //配置描述符类型,=02H WBVAL( /* wTotalLength */ //描述符总长度,=2EH USB_CONFIGUARTION_DESC_SIZE + USB_INTERFACE_DESC_SIZE + NUM_ENDPOINTS * USB_ENDPOINT_DESC_SIZE + USB_INTERFACE_DESC_SIZE + NUM_ENDPOINTS * USB_ENDPOINT_DESC_SIZE ), 0x02, /* bNumInterfaces */ //支持接口数,=2(接口0,接口1) 0x01, /* bConfigurationValue */ //配置值,=1 0x00, /* iConfiguration */ //字符串描述符指针(无) USB_CONFIG_BUS_POWERED | /* bmAttributes */ //总线供电 USB_CONFIG_REMOTE_WAKEUP, //支持远程唤醒 USB_CONFIG_POWER_MA(100), /* bMaxPower */ //最大功耗, /* Interface 0, Alternate Setting 0, Class Code Unknown */ //[ 接口描述符:接口0,可变设置0 ] USB_INTERFACE_DESC_SIZE, /* bLength */ //接口描述符长度,=09H USB_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE, /* bDescriptorType */ //接口描述符类型,=04H 0x00, /* bInterfaceNumber */ //接口数,0个 0x00, /* bAlternateSetting */ //可选配制,0个 NUM_ENDPOINTS, /* bNumEndpoints */ //除端点0的端点索引数目,=3个 USB_DEVICE_CLASS_VENDOR_SPECIFIC, /* bInterfaceClass, USB_CLASS_VENDOR_SPECIFIC */ //测试设备类型 0xFF, /* bInterfaceSubClass, USB_SUBCLASS_CODE_UNKNOWN */ //子类代码 0xFF, /* bInterfaceProtocol, USB_PROTOCOL_CODE_UNKNOWN */ //协议代码 0x00, /* iInterface, STR_INDEX_INTERFACE = no_string */ //字符串描述符索引 /* Endpoint, EP1 Interrupt In */ //[ 端点描述符: 端点1,中断传输,IN ] USB_ENDPOINT_DESC_SIZE, /* bLength */ //端点描述符长度,=07H USB_ENDPOINT_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE, /* bDescriptorType */ //端点描述符类型,=05H USB_ENDPOINT_IN(1), /* bEndpointAddress */ //端点1 IN,=0X81 USB_ENDPOINT_TYPE_INTERRUPT, /* bmAttributes */ //中断传输,=03H WBVAL(0x0004), /* wMaxPacketSize */ //端点最大包的大小,= 0x20, /* 32ms */ /* bInterval */ //传输间隔时间,=32ms /* Endpoint, EP2 Bulk Out */ //[ 端点描述符: 端点2,批量传输,OUT ] USB_ENDPOINT_DESC_SIZE, /* bLength */ USB_ENDPOINT_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE, /* bDescriptorType */ USB_ENDPOINT_OUT(2), /* bEndpointAddress */ USB_ENDPOINT_TYPE_BULK, /* bmAttributes */ WBVAL(0x0040), /* wMaxPacketSize */ 0x20, /* 32ms */ /* Endpoint, EP2 Bulk In */ //[ 端点描述符: 端点2,批量传输,IN ] USB_ENDPOINT_DESC_SIZE, /* bLength */ USB_ENDPOINT_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE, /* bDescriptorType */ USB_ENDPOINT_IN(2), /* bEndpointAddress */ USB_ENDPOINT_TYPE_BULK, /* bmAttributes */ WBVAL(0x0040), /* wMaxPacketSize */ 0x20, /* 32ms */ /* Interface 1, Alternate Setting 0, Class Code Unknown */ //[ 接口描述符:接口1,可变设置0 ] USB_INTERFACE_DESC_SIZE, /* bLength */ USB_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE, /* bDescriptorType */ 0x01, /* bInterfaceNumber */ 0x00, /* bAlternateSetting */ NUM_ENDPOINTS, /* bNumEndpoints */ USB_DEVICE_CLASS_VENDOR_SPECIFIC, /* bInterfaceClass, USB_CLASS_CODE_UNKNOWN */ 0xFF, /* bInterfaceSubClass, USB_SUBCLASS_CODE_UNKNOWN */ 0xFF, /* bInterfaceProtocol, USB_PROTOCOL_CODE_UNKNOWN */ 0x00, /* iInterface, STR_INDEX_INTERFACE = no_string */ /* Endpoint, EP4 Interrupt In */ USB_ENDPOINT_DESC_SIZE, /* bLength */ USB_ENDPOINT_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE, /* bDescriptorType */ USB_ENDPOINT_IN(4), /* bEndpointAddress */ USB_ENDPOINT_TYPE_INTERRUPT, /* bmAttributes */ WBVAL(0x0004), /* wMaxPacketSize */ 0x20, /* 32ms */ /* bInterval */ /* Endpoint, EP5 Bulk Out */ USB_ENDPOINT_DESC_SIZE, /* bLength */ USB_ENDPOINT_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE, /* bDescriptorType */ USB_ENDPOINT_OUT(5), /* bEndpointAddress */ USB_ENDPOINT_TYPE_BULK, /* bmAttributes */ WBVAL(0x0040), /* wMaxPacketSize */ 0x20, /* 32ms */ /* Endpoint, EP5 Bulk In */ USB_ENDPOINT_DESC_SIZE, /* bLength */ USB_ENDPOINT_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE, /* bDescriptorType */ USB_ENDPOINT_IN(5), /* bEndpointAddress */ USB_ENDPOINT_TYPE_BULK, /* bmAttributes */ WBVAL(0x0040), /* wMaxPacketSize */ 0x20, /* 32ms */ /* Terminator */ 0 /* bLength */ }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* USB String Descriptor (optional) */ const BYTE USB_StringDescriptor[] = { /* Index 0x00: LANGID Codes */ 0x04, /* bLength */ USB_STRING_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE, /* bDescriptorType */ WBVAL(0x0409), /* US English */ /* wLANGID */ /* Index 0x04: Manufacturer */ 0x1C, /* bLength */ USB_STRING_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE, /* bDescriptorType */ 'K',0, 'e',0, 'i',0, 'l',0, ' ',0, 'S',0, 'o',0, 'f',0, 't',0, 'w',0, 'a',0, 'r',0, 'e',0, /* Index 0x20: Product */ 0x2A, /* bLength */ USB_STRING_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE, /* bDescriptorType */ 'P',0, 'h',0, 'i',0, 'l',0, 'i',0, 'p',0, 's',0, ' ',0, 'L',0, 'P',0, 'C',0, '2',0, '1',0, '4',0, '8',0, ' ',0, 'V',0, 'C',0, 'O',0, 'M',0, /* Index 0x4A: Serial Number */ 0x1C, /* bLength */ USB_STRING_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE, /* bDescriptorType */ '0',0, '0',0, '0',0, '0',0, '0',0, '0',0, '0',0, '0',0, '-',0, 'D',0, 'E',0, 'M',0, 'O',0, /* Index 0x66: Interface 0, Alternate Setting 0 */ 0x0A, /* bLength */ USB_STRING_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE, /* bDescriptorType */ 'V',0, 'C',0, 'O',0, 'M',0, };
usb.h + usbdesc.c2006-11-24 22:45:00
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