1.The buffered
stream won’t send the data to the server until it gets more data from the
underlying stream, but the underlying stream won’t send more data until it gets
data from the server, which won’t send data until it gets the data that’s stuck
in the buffer~!
2.Finally, when you're done with a stream,
close it by invoking its close( ) method. This releases any resources associated
with the stream, such as file handles or ports. Once an output stream has been
closed, further writes to it throw IOExceptions. However, some kinds of
streams may still allow you to do things with the object. For instance, a
closed ByteArrayOutputStream
can still be converted to an actual byte array and a closed DigestOutputStream
can still return its digest.
inputstream class also allow the programs to back up and reread data they’ve
already read.
Public void mark(int readAheadLimit)
Public void reset() throws IOException
boolean markSupported( )
and resetting are usually implemented by storing every byte read from the marked
position on in an internal buffer. However, not all input streams support this.
Before trying to use marking and resetting, check to see whether the markSupported()
method returns true. In order to reread data, mark the current position in the
stream with the mark( ) method. At a later point, you can reset the stream
to the marked position using the reset( ) method. Subsequent reads then
return data starting from the marked position, However, you may not be able to
reset as far back as you like. The number of bytes you can read from the mark
and still reset is determined by the readAheadLimit argument to mark( ).
If you try to reset too far back, an IOException is thrown. Furthermore,
there can be only one mark in a stream at any given time. Marking a second
location erases the first mark. Ps:
does not allow marking and resetting.
4. The
first problem is that the output from println() is platform-dependent. Depending
on what system runs your code. Lines may sometimes be broken with a linefeed, a
carriage return, or a carriage return/linefeed pair. This doesn’t cause
problems when writing to the console, but it’s a disaster for writing network
clients and servers that must follow a precise protocol. The second problem is
that PrintStream assumes the default encoding of the platform on which it’s running.
However, this encoding may not be what the server or client expects! The third
problem is that prontStream eats all exceptions. This makes printStream
suitable for textbook programs such as Hello World, since simple console output
can be taught without burdening students with first learning about exception
handling and all that implies.
5. Compressing
Compressing and decompressing data with these
classes is almost trivially easy. You simply chain the filter to the underlying
stream and read or write it like normal. Supposed that you want to read the
compressed file abc.gz
FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream(“abc.gz”0;
GZipInputStream gzin = new GZipInputStream(fin);
FileOutputStream fout = new FileOutputStream(“abc”);
Int b
While ((b =
gzin.read())!=-1) fout.wirte(b);
In fact,
ZipoutputStream and ZipInputSteam are more complicated,each file in z zip
archive is represented as a ZipEntry object whose getNeame() method returns the
original name of the file. For example:
FileInputStream fin
= new FileInputStream(“abc.zip”);
ZipInputStream zin =
new ZipInputStream(fin);
ZipEntry ze =null;
int b =0;
FileOutPutStream fout = new
while((b =
zin.read()!=-1) fout.write(b);