
矩阵键盘的VHDL2008-04-22 20:56:00

【评论】 【打印】 【字体: 】 本文链接:http://blog.pfan.cn/yanyoushuai/34384.html


这也是做实验时编的代码,由于做完将近一年了,当时也没有注意到要防抖,所以这个程序没有进行防抖,需要进行防抖 的朋友可以加锁存器进行锁存。



library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
entity matrix_key is
 port(clk : in std_logic;
   display : out std_logic_vector(13 downto 0);
   row : buffer std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);----行线
   line : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0));--列线
end entity matrix_key;
architecture behave of matrix_key is
component division is
generic (data : integer:=10);
 port(clk_in : in std_logic;
   clk_out : out std_logic);
end component;
signal read_data : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
signal scan_data : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
signal clk_temp : std_logic;
U1: division port map(clk,clk_temp);
P1: process(clk_temp)
 variable temp : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
    if clk_temp'event and clk_temp='1' then
  if temp < 3 then temp := temp + 1;
  else temp := (others => '0');
  end if;
 end if;
 scan_data <= temp;
 end process;

P2: process(clk_temp,scan_data)----------扫描
  if scan_data="00" then row <= "0001";
  case line is
   when "0001" => read_data <= "0000";
   when "0010" => read_data <= "0001";
   when "0100" => read_data <= "0010";
   when "1000" => read_data <= "0011";
   when others => null;
     end case;
 elsif scan_data="01" then row <= "0010";
    case line is
   when "0001" => read_data <= "0100";
   when "0010" => read_data <= "0101";
   when "0100" => read_data <= "0110";
   when "1000" => read_data <= "0111";
   when others => null;
     end case;
 elsif scan_data="10" then row <= "0100";
  case line is
   when "0001" => read_data <= "1000";
   when "0010" => read_data <= "1001";
   when "0100" => read_data <= "1010";
   when "1000" => read_data <= "1011";
   when others => null;
     end case;
 elsif scan_data="11" then row <= "1000";
  case line is
   when "0001" => read_data <= "1100";
   when "0010" => read_data <= "1101";
   when "0100" => read_data <= "1110";
   when "1000" => read_data <= "1111";
   when others => null;
     end case;
 else null;
 end if;
 end process;
P3: process(clk_temp,scan_data,read_data)-------译码
  case read_data is
  when "0000" => display <= "01111110000110";---01
  when "0001" => display <= "01111111011011";---02
  when "0010" => display <= "01111111001111";---03
  when "0011" => display <= "01111111100110";---04
  when "0100" => display <= "01111111101101";---05
  when "0101" => display <= "01111111111101";---06
  when "0110" => display <= "01111110000111";---07
  when "0111" => display <= "01111111111111";---08
  when "1000" => display <= "01111111101111";---09
  when "1001" => display <= "00001100111111";---10
  when "1010" => display <= "00001100000110";---11
  when "1011" => display <= "00001101011011";---12
  when "1100" => display <= "00001101001111";---13
  when "1101" => display <= "00001101100110";---14
  when "1110" => display <= "00001101101101";---15
  when "1111" => display <= "00001101111101";---16
  end case;
 end process;
end architecture;  

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