
[代码]搬运工12006-02-08 18:25:00

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//: PORTER.H - PORTER HEADER - 2006.2 rickone
class PorterMap
 int width,height;
 int *data;/* map data means :
     0 - empty place
     1 - goal place without box
     2 - box on empty place
     3 - box on goal place
     4 - wall
     0,1 r reachable
     2,3,4 r unreachable
 int px,py;//porter place
 int *reach;//mark the place where the porter now can reach
 int boxnumber;
 void dfsreach(int,int);
 void reachmap(int,int);
 PorterMap(istream&);/*map data loaded from std input stream & its format(ascii) :
      first line two integers for width & height -
      W H
      following H lines are the datas,each line should be W integers -
      ... W ...
      and the last line include two integers which means
      the porter place(x,y) when begin:
      PX PY
 //int getMapData(int x,int y){return data[y*width+x];};
 //void getPorterPlace(int& ptx,int& pty){ptx=px;pty=py;};
 int nextbox(int&,int&);
 int pushbox(int bx,int by,int dir/*directions :
                                0,1,2,3 for left,right,up & down
 bool canReach(int rx,int ry){return reach[ry*width+rx]==1;};//place if the porter can reach
 void display(ostream&);
 friend class State;
 friend class StatesList;

class State
 int boxnumber;
 struct Pos
  int x,y;
 }*data/*boxs position*/,porter/*porter position & the most left the most up*/;
 unsigned int sign;
 State *parent;
 //int evaluate();
 int drawmap(PorterMap&);//draw the map & return the state is well done
 void cleanmap(PorterMap&);
 void setparent(State *pa){parent=pa;};
 friend bool operator==(State&,State&);
 friend class StatesList;

struct HashNode//hash list node
 State *link;
 HashNode *next;

class StatesList
 HashNode **nodes;
 bool exist(State&);
 void push(State*);
const int c_dx[8]={-1,1,0,0,1,-1,0,0};
const int c_dy[8]={0,0,-1,1,0,0,1,-1};//last 4 are opposite dir
const unsigned int nodenumber=167777;

#include "porter.h"
#define legal(X,Y) (X>=0&&X<width&&Y>=0&&Y<height)

PorterMap::PorterMap(istream &in)
 data=new int[width*height];
 reach=new int[width*height];
 for(int h=0;h<height;++h)
  for(int w=0;w<width;++w)
   int temp;
  cerr<<"Error Porter Place!"<<endl;

void PorterMap::dfsreach(int x,int y)
 for(int i=0;i<4;++i)
  int tx=x+c_dx[i],ty=y+c_dy[i];
void PorterMap::reachmap(int x,int y)
 for(int h=0;h<height;++h)
  for(int w=0;w<width;++w)
void PorterMap::display(ostream &out)
 static char MapGraph[]=" ※□■★";
 out<<"Porter Map:"<<endl;
 for(int h=0;h<height;++h)
  for(int w=0;w<width;++w)
   int temp=data[h*width+w];
 out<<"Porter Place:("<<px<<","<<py<<")"<<endl;
 out<<"Box Number:"<<boxnumber<<endl;
 out<<"Porter can reach:"<<endl;
 for(int hh=0;hh<height;++hh)
  for(int ww=0;ww<width;++ww)
   else out<<"◇";
int PorterMap::nextbox(int &bx,int &by)
 int bottom=width*height,index=by*width+bx+1;
 if(index==bottom)return 0;
 return 1;
int PorterMap::pushbox(int bx,int by,int dir)
 int gx=bx+c_dx[dir],gy=by+c_dy[dir];//goal place
 int sx=bx+c_dx[(dir+4)%8],sy=by+c_dy[(dir+4)%8];

 if(dir<4&&(data[gy*width+gx]>1||reach[sy*width+sx]==0))return 0;
 return 1;
 delete[] data;
 delete[] reach;


State::State(PorterMap &map)
 data=new Pos[boxnumber];
 int box_index=0,tag=1;
 for(int h=0;h<map.height;++h)
  for(int w=0;w<map.width;++w)
 unsigned int tempa=1,tempb=1;
 for(int i=0;i<boxnumber;++i)
 //cout<<"ID:"<<sign<<" State is created."<<endl;
int State::drawmap(PorterMap &map)
 int tag=1;
 for(int i=0;i<boxnumber;++i)
  int tx=data[i].x,ty=data[i].y;
 return tag;
void State::cleanmap(PorterMap &map)
 for(int i=0;i<boxnumber;++i)
  int tx=data[i].x,ty=data[i].y;
bool operator==(State &a,State &b)
 //if(a.boxnumber!=b.boxnumber)return false;
 if(a.sign!=b.sign)return false;
 for(int i=0;i<a.boxnumber;++i)
  if(a.data[i].x!=b.data[i].x||a.data[i].y!=b.data[i].y)return false;
 return true;
 delete[] data;


 nodes=new HashNode*[nodenumber];
 for(int i=0;i<nodenumber;++i)
bool StatesList::exist(State &st)
 int index=st.sign%nodenumber;
 if(nodes[index]==NULL)return false;
 for(HashNode *p=nodes[index];p!=NULL;p=p->next)
  if(*(p->link)==st)return true;
 return false;
void StatesList::push(State *st)
 int index=st->sign%nodenumber;
 //cout<<"StatesList get a new state,Store Index:"<<index<<" State ID:"<<st->sign<<endl;
  nodes[index]=new HashNode;
 for(HashNode *p=nodes[index];p->next!=NULL;p=p->next);
 HashNode *q=new HashNode;
 for(int i=0;i<nodenumber;++i)
  for(HashNode *p=nodes[i];p!=NULL;)
   HashNode *q=p->next;
   delete p->link;
   delete p;
 delete[] nodes;

#include "porter.h"

class queue
 struct que_node
  void *link;
  que_node *next;
  que_node(void* data){link=data;next=NULL;};
 int length;
 bool empty(){return length==0;};
 void enqueue(void*);
 void* dequeue();
 que_node *p=head,*q;
  delete p;
void queue::enqueue(void *data)
 que_node *p=new que_node(data);
void* queue::dequeue()
 if(length==0)return NULL;
 que_node *p=head;
 void *q=head->link;
 delete p;
 return q;
void main()
 PorterMap map(cin);
 State *s_now=new State(map);
 StatesList slist;
 queue que;
  int x=0,y=0;
   for(int dir=0;dir<4;++dir)
     State *p=new State(map);
      delete p;
      p->setparent(s_now);//set it's parent node


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