JSP implicit object |
Type |
Typical use by the scriptlet writer |
pageContext |
javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext |
Barely in use. This is more of a backbone object used by the servlet that was autogenerated from the servlet code. We will discuss the autogenerated servlet later in this chapter. |
request |
javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest |
Queries request information; for example, queries form parameters, inbound cookies, request headers, etc. |
response |
javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse |
Manipulates the response; for example, add cookies, redirect, etc. |
session |
javax.servlet.http.HttpSession |
Accesses the session state information associated with the request. For example, get/set session attributes or invalidate the session. |
config |
javax.servlet.ServletConfig |
Obtains configuration parameters for this page. |
application |
javax.servlet.ServletContext |
Obtains configuration parameters for this application and uses its utility method (for example, log()). |
out |
javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter |
Writes data into the page and manipulates the output buffer used by JSP. |
page |
java.lang.Object |
Represents the Java this variable for the current page invocation. |
exception |
java.lang.Exception |
In error pages only (see more on error pages in the upcoming sections), represents the exception that triggered the error page. |
JSP隐式对象2007-04-09 11:27:00
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