
Prototype and Scriptaculous in Action2007-09-17 13:37:00

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今年来真得出了很多新书,多得你很想看,但是你总会抽时间来看。ajax热得不得了,可以从她的libraries可以看出,多得你意想不到。例如有prototype、jquery、Ext等。你可以从中选择一些你喜欢的类库来学习,体验一下javascript也可以OOP, javascript也可以这样玩的,有时一些被遗忘的技术,其潜在力量是那么的可怕!好了,回归正题,说一下我介绍的这本书的简介以及我提供的下载吧。

  对于Prototype and Scriptaculous,我不介绍了,网上已经有API文档了。我只说一下这本书的content,以下是这本书的目录(呵呵!赖得翻译了):


about this book
about the title
about the cover illustration

Part 1 Getting Started

1 Introducing Prototype and Scriptaculous
1.1 A brief history of Ajax
1.2 What is Prototype?
1.3 What is Scriptaculous?
1.4 Applying Prototype and Scriptaculous
1.5 Summary
2 Introducing QuickGallery
2.1 Design and implementation
2.2 Evaluating the classic web app model
2.3 Summary
3 Simplifying Ajax with Prototype
3.1 Redesigning for Ajax
3.2 Using XML and Ajax
3.3 Using JSON and Ajax
3.4 Summary
4 Using Prototype抯 Advanced Ajax Features
4.1 Prototype抯 advanced Ajax classes
4.2 Using HTML and Ajax
4.3 Comparing data- and content-centric Ajax
4.4 Summary

Part 2 Scriptaculous Quickly

5 Scriptaculous Effects
5.1 Quick win: adding an effect with only one line
5.2 Setting up Scriptaculous and the examples
5.3Types of Scriptaculous effects
5.4 Understanding the effects
5.5 Easy toggling of Show and Hide effects
5.6 Working with transitions
5.7 Gaining control during effects
5.8 Canceling effects
5.9 Controlling multiple effects
5.10 Summary
6 Scriptaculous Controls
6.1 Using the sample programs for this chapter
6.2 The in-place text editor
6.3 The InPlaceCollectionEditor
6.4 The Ajax autocompleter control
6.5 The Scriptaculous local autocompleter control
6.6 The slider control
6.7 Summary
7 Scriptaculous Drag and Drop
7.1 The sample code for this chapter
7.2 The sample code for this chapter
7.3 Dragging things around
7.4 Dropping dragged things
7.5 Sorting by drag and drop
7.6 Summary

Part 3 Prototype in Depth

8 All About Objects
8.1 Introducing the Scratchpad application
8.2 The Object type
8.3 Objects and Prototype
8.4 Summary
9 Fun with Functions
9.1 JavaScript functions
9.2 Extending functions with Prototype.js
9.3 Summary
10 Arrays Made Easy
10.1 Introducing Arrays
10.2 The native JavaScript Array
10.3 Prototype.js and Arrays
10.4 Methods of the Enumerable object
10.5 Working with Hashes and ObjectRanges
10.6 Summary
11 Back to the Browser
11.1 A crash course in DOM methods
11.2 Prototype and the DOM
11.3 Extending the Event object
11.4 Working with HTML forms
11.5 Summary

Part 4 Advanced Topics

12 Prototype and Scriptaculous in Practice
12.1 QuickGallery application requirements
12.2 Building the slideshow editor
12.3 Adding Ajax-based persistence
12.4 Creating the toolbar
Building the slideshow player 384
12.5 Putting it all together
12.6 Summary
13 Prototype, Scriptaculous, and Rails
13.1 Generating JavaScript
13.2 Ajax helpers
13.3 Scriptaculous helpers
13.4 To JavaScript or not to JavaScript
13.5 The next level: RJS
13.6 Summary
HTTP Primer
Measuring HTTP Traffic
Installing and Running Tomcat 5.5
Installing and Running PHP
Porting Server-Side Techniques


P.S.本来也提供<<ASP.NET AJAX IN ACTION>>给大家下载的,但是容量有点大了。想要的朋友联系我吧!

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