
最好的富勒烯结构生成程序-CaGe的简便使用方法2007-01-27 20:10:00

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关键词:富勒烯(Fullerene),结构(Structure),坐标Coordinate),CaGefullgen,免费软件(FreeSoftware),开源(Open Source


目前很难找到一种通用程序,能够生成给定碳原子数目n的所有可能的富勒烯Cn的结构坐标。Sebastian LiskenCJava开发了一套开源软件包名叫CaGehttp://www.mathematik.uni-bielefeld.de/~CaGe/。它主要用来生成各种类型的数学图,其中某些类型与有趣的分子结构密切相关,同时还能够通过不同方式显示这些图形,并能将这些图以多种格式输出成文件。借助于CaGe就能实现我们开头提出的目标-生成我们想要的富勒烯的结构。据程序的作者介绍,CaGe是目前生成富勒烯结构最快最好的软件。然而,目前的CaGe是在Unix图形界面下运行的,而且必须预装有JavaWindows版本可能以后会推出)。因此,对于无法使用图形界面的远程登陆的用户,或者没有安装Java的用户,就无法使用CaGe了。





1.   安装方法


  mkdir cage

  cd cage

  unzip ../CaGe.zip


  cd Generators





2.   一个简单实例


./fullgen 60 ipr code 6 > codes

其中,60表示60个顶点数,ipr选项表示只生成满足分立五边形规则(IPR)的结构,“code 6”表示生成的图代码类型是“writegraph3d planar”。生成的图代码输出在名叫“codes”的文件中。


Time for generating the patches: 0.0 seconds

Time for case 1 (Jordan-Curve Petrie Path): 0.0 seconds

Time for case 2 (Dumb-bell): 0.0 seconds

Time for case 3 (Sandwich): 0.0 seconds


MAPLIST: number of patches: 1783

BBLIST: number of items in list: 105  number of patches: 1122


Generated 1 maps on 60 vertices -- reduced to 1 non-isomorphic maps.


Total generation time: 0.0 seconds

end of program



./embed -v –d 3 < codes > coord

其中,选项-v表示显示运行细节,选项“-d 3表示生成三维坐标(默认是二维)。生成的坐标输出在名叫“coord”的文件中。


used 167 iterations

average edge length = 0.395682

used 333 iterations

average edge length = 0.090532

used 27 iterations

average edge length = 1.000000



  1    0.645   -3.404   -0.186  18  19   2

  2    0.154   -3.139   -1.470   1   3  40

  3    0.909   -2.371   -2.364   2  32   4

  4    0.028   -1.566   -3.096   3   5  41

  5    0.393   -0.259   -3.437   4  30   6



3.   更多实例

1) 不限制满足IPR


./fullgen 60 code 6 > codes


Time for generating the patches: 0.0 seconds

Time for case 1 (Jordan-Curve Petrie Path): 0.2 seconds

Time for case 2 (Dumb-bell): 0.1 seconds

Time for case 3 (Sandwich): 0.3 seconds


MAPLIST: number of patches: 6917

BBLIST: number of items in list: 1343  number of patches: 13628


Generated 46175 maps on 60 vertices -- reduced to 1812 non-isomorphic maps.


Total generation time: 0.6 seconds

end of program



2) 对称性


./fullgen 36 symstat code 6 > codes


Time for generating the patches: 0.0 seconds

Time for case 1 (Jordan-Curve Petrie Path): 0.0 seconds

Time for case 2 (Dumb-bell): 0.0 seconds

Time for case 3 (Sandwich): 0.0 seconds


MAPLIST: number of patches: 350

BBLIST: number of items in list: 46  number of patches: 279


Generated 160 maps on 36 vertices -- reduced to 15 non-isomorphic maps.


  C1 :          2   C2 :          4   Cs :          2   D2 :          2

  C2v:          1   D2d:          2   D3h:          1   D6h:          1


Total generation time: 0.0 seconds

end of program



./fullgen 36 symm C2 code 6 > codes



3) 设定顶点数的起止范围


./fullgen 100 ipr start 20 code 6 > codes

这里的“start 20”表示从20个顶点数开始构造,注意最小的富勒烯的顶点数是20


Time for generating the patches: 0.3 seconds

Time for case 1 (Jordan-Curve Petrie Path): 0.3 seconds

Time for case 2 (Dumb-bell): 5.0 seconds

Time for case 3 (Sandwich): 2.3 seconds


MAPLIST: number of patches: 43751

BBLIST: number of items in list: 7327  number of patches: 109530


Generated 0 maps on 20 vertices -- reduced to 0 non-isomorphic maps.

Generated 0 maps on 22 vertices -- reduced to 0 non-isomorphic maps.

Generated 0 maps on 24 vertices -- reduced to 0 non-isomorphic maps.

Generated 0 maps on 26 vertices -- reduced to 0 non-isomorphic maps.

Generated 0 maps on 28 vertices -- reduced to 0 non-isomorphic maps.

Generated 0 maps on 30 vertices -- reduced to 0 non-isomorphic maps.

Generated 0 maps on 32 vertices -- reduced to 0 non-isomorphic maps.

Generated 0 maps on 34 vertices -- reduced to 0 non-isomorphic maps.

Generated 0 maps on 36 vertices -- reduced to 0 non-isomorphic maps.

Generated 0 maps on 38 vertices -- reduced to 0 non-isomorphic maps.

Generated 0 maps on 40 vertices -- reduced to 0 non-isomorphic maps.

Generated 0 maps on 42 vertices -- reduced to 0 non-isomorphic maps.

Generated 0 maps on 44 vertices -- reduced to 0 non-isomorphic maps.

Generated 0 maps on 46 vertices -- reduced to 0 non-isomorphic maps.

Generated 0 maps on 48 vertices -- reduced to 0 non-isomorphic maps.

Generated 0 maps on 50 vertices -- reduced to 0 non-isomorphic maps.

Generated 0 maps on 52 vertices -- reduced to 0 non-isomorphic maps.

Generated 0 maps on 54 vertices -- reduced to 0 non-isomorphic maps.

Generated 0 maps on 56 vertices -- reduced to 0 non-isomorphic maps.

Generated 0 maps on 58 vertices -- reduced to 0 non-isomorphic maps.

Generated 1 maps on 60 vertices -- reduced to 1 non-isomorphic maps.

Generated 0 maps on 62 vertices -- reduced to 0 non-isomorphic maps.

Generated 0 maps on 64 vertices -- reduced to 0 non-isomorphic maps.

Generated 0 maps on 66 vertices -- reduced to 0 non-isomorphic maps.

Generated 0 maps on 68 vertices -- reduced to 0 non-isomorphic maps.

Generated 2 maps on 70 vertices -- reduced to 1 non-isomorphic maps.

Generated 2 maps on 72 vertices -- reduced to 1 non-isomorphic maps.

Generated 3 maps on 74 vertices -- reduced to 1 non-isomorphic maps.

Generated 15 maps on 76 vertices -- reduced to 2 non-isomorphic maps.

Generated 40 maps on 78 vertices -- reduced to 5 non-isomorphic maps.

Generated 47 maps on 80 vertices -- reduced to 7 non-isomorphic maps.

Generated 124 maps on 82 vertices -- reduced to 9 non-isomorphic maps.

Generated 269 maps on 84 vertices -- reduced to 24 non-isomorphic maps.

Generated 412 maps on 86 vertices -- reduced to 19 non-isomorphic maps.

Generated 822 maps on 88 vertices -- reduced to 35 non-isomorphic maps.

Generated 1002 maps on 90 vertices -- reduced to 46 non-isomorphic maps.

Generated 2189 maps on 92 vertices -- reduced to 86 non-isomorphic maps.

Generated 4126 maps on 94 vertices -- reduced to 134 non-isomorphic maps.

Generated 5001 maps on 96 vertices -- reduced to 187 non-isomorphic maps.

Generated 7796 maps on 98 vertices -- reduced to 259 non-isomorphic maps.

Generated 14661 maps on 100 vertices -- reduced to 450 non-isomorphic maps.


Total generation time: 8.0 seconds

end of program



4) 安静模式


./fullgen 70 ipr quiet code 6 > codes






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