
Data Alignment2006-05-22 12:18:00

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#pragma pack

Applies to C Applies to C++


    很多 CPU ,如基于 Alpha, IA-64, MIPS, SuperH 体系的,拒绝读取未对齐数据。当一个程序要求其中之一的 CPU 读取未对齐数据时,这时 CPU 会进入异常处理状态并且通知程序不能继续执行。举个例子,在 ARM, MIPS, SH 硬件平台上,当操作系统被要求存取一个未对齐数据时默认通知应用程序一个异常。

  对齐性是一种内存地址的特性,表现为内存地址模上 2 的幂。例如,内存地址 0x0001103F 4 结果为 3 ;这个地址就叫做与 4n 3 对齐, 4 指出了所选用的 2 的幂的值。内存地址的对齐性取决于所选择的关于 2 的幂值。同样的地址模 8 结果为 7

       一个内存地址符合表达式 Xn 0 ,那么就说该地址对齐于 X

       CPU 执行指令就是对存储于内存上的数据进行操作,这些数据在内存上是以地址为标记的。对于地址来说,单独的数据会有其占用内存的字节数。如果它的地址对齐于它的字节数,那么就称作该数据自然对齐,否则称为未对齐。例如,一个标记 8 字节的浮点数据的地址对齐于 8 ,那么这个数据就自然对齐。


       对于单个的数据类型,编译器为其分配的地址是数据类型字节数的倍数。因此,编译器分配给 long 型变量的地址为 4 的倍数,就是说以 2 进制表示地址的话,最后两位为 0

       另外,编译器以一种自然对齐每个结构成员的方式来填充结构体。参看下面的代码里面的结构体 struct x_

     struct x_
            char a;     // 1 byte
            int b;      // 4 bytes
            short c;    // 2 bytes
            char d;     // 1 byte
      } MyStruct;


DataAlignment Phenomenon

struct A {char a; long b; char c; long d;};

struct B {char a; char c; long b; long d;};

#progma pack(push,1)
struct C {char a; long b; char c; long d;};
#progma pack(pop)

sizeof(A) = 16
sizeof(B) = 12
sizeof(C) = 10


The #pragma pack directive modifies the current alignment rule for members of structures following the directive.


Syntax Diagram


1 | 2 | 4 | 8 | 16 Members of structures are aligned on the specified byte-alignment, or on their natural alignment boundary, whichever is less.
nopack No packing is applied, and "nopack" is pushed onto the pack stack
pop The top element on the pragma pack stack is popped.
(no argument specified) Specifying #pragma () has the same effect as #pragma (pop).


The #pragma pack directive modifies the current alignment rule for only the members of structures whose declarations follow the directive. It does not affect the alignment of the structure directly, but by affecting the alignment of the members of the structure, it may affect the alignment of the overall structure according to the alignment rule.

The #pragma pack directive cannot increase the alignment of a member, but rather can decrease the alignment. For example, for a member with data type of integer (int), a #pragma pack(2) directive would cause that member to be packed in the structure on a 2-byte boundary, while a #pragma pack(4) directive would have no effect.

The #pragma pack directive is stack based. All pack values are pushed onto a stack as the source code is parsed. The value at the top of the current pragma pack stack is the value used to pack members of all subsequent structures within the scope of the current alignment rule.

A #pragma pack stack is associated with the current element in the alignment rule stack. Alignment rules are specified with the -qalign compiler option or with the #pragma options align directive. If a new alignment rule is created, a new #pragma pack stack is created. If the current alignment rule is popped off the alignment rule stack, the current #pragma pack stack is emptied and the previous #pragma pack stack is restored. Stack operations (pushing and popping pack settings) affect only the current #pragma pack stack.

The #pragma pack directive causes bitfields to cross bitfield container boundaries.


  1. In the code shown below, the structure S2 will have its members packed to 1-byte, but structure S1 will not be affected. This is because the declaration for S1 began before the pragma directive. However, since the declaration for S2 began after the pragma directive, it is affected.
    struct s_t1 {
        char a;	
        int b;
        #pragma pack(1)
        struct s_t2 {	
                char x;
                int y;
        } S2;
        char c;
        int b;
    } S1;
  2. This example shows how a #pragma pack directive can affect the size and mapping of a structure:
    struct s_t {
    	char a;
    	int b;
    	short c;
    	int d;
    Default mapping: With #pragma pack(1):
    sizeof S = 16 sizeof S = 11
    offsetof a = 0 offsetof a = 0
    offsetof b = 4 offsetof b = 1
    offsetof c = 8 offsetof c = 5
    offsetof d = 12

    offsetof d = 7

    align of a = 1 align of a = 1
    align of b = 4 align of b = 1
    align of c = 2 align of c = 1
    align of d = 4

    align of d = 1



#pragma pack(8)

struct s1{
               short a;
               long b;

struct s2{
              char c;
              s1 d;
              long long e;

#pragma pack()

S2中,c和S1中的a一样,按1字节对齐,而d 是个结构,它是8个字节,它按什么对齐呢?对于结构来说,它的默认对齐方式就是它的所有成员使用的对齐参数中最大的一个,S1的就是4.所以,成员d就是按4字节对齐.成员e是8个字节,它是默认按8字节对齐,和指定的一样,所以它对到8字节的边界上,这时,已经使用了12个字节了,所以又添加了4个字节的空,从第16个字节开始放置成员e.这时,长度为24,已经可以被8(成员e按8字节对齐)整除.这样,一共使用了24个字节.
                          a    b
                          c    S1.a S1.b     d


char a[3];这种,它的对齐方式和分别写3个char是一样的.也就是说它还是按1个字节对齐.
如果写: typedef char Array3[3];


#pragma pack规定的对齐长度,实际使用的规则是:
结构,联合,或者类的数据成员,第一个放在偏移为0的地方,以后每个数据成员的对齐,按照#pragma pack指定的数值和这个数据成员自身长度中,比较小的那个进行。
也就是说,当#pragma pack的值等于或超过所有数据成员长度的时候,这个值的大小将不产生任何效果。
而结构整体的对齐,则按照结构体中最大的数据成员 和 #pragma pack指定值 之间,较小的那个进行。

当数据定义中出现__declspec( align() )时,指定类型的对齐长度还要用自身长度和这里指定的数值比较,然后取其中较大的。最终类/结构的对齐长度也需要和这个数值比较,然后取其中较大的。

可以这样理解, __declspec( align() ) 和 #pragma pack是一对兄弟,前者规定了对齐的最小值,后者规定了对齐的最大值,两者同时出现时,前者拥有更高的优先级。

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