
Some problem in Dayanmic allocation.2006-10-07 22:36:00

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I am always confused by the concept of pointer, nullify, allocate and deallocate and so on. For my project, I have to use them.

In fact, those features are very useful for an programer. But.... I am not a programer althouth I really try to be. After I found in some other place, I have to post this question in comp.lang.fortran, and there are so many replys appears immediately.

 Even there are some guys from NASA, I am really very exciting. Here is the post URL: http://groups.google.ca/group/comp.lang.fortran/browse_thread/thread/c6961b6bda5c904e/215bfbd1b9a15364#215bfbd1b9a15364

I had learn many concept from this post. I will try to repair my program. :0) Today is a very nice day.

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